
Sunday 9th February 2025


 Mass Intentions

Sat 8           19.30  Thomas Doyle & John Bradshaw

                          Fr Bernard Gill                        

Sun 9          10.00                                                                

Gorvagh  09.00                                                              

Tues 11   10,00  Margaret Donnelly                            

Sat 15        19.30  Tommy McCaffrey MM                          

                                        Ella McLoughlin, Drumgowna                        

                                             James McGivney, Mohill                                      

                                        Phylis Reilly & Mary Wakenshaw (nee Reilly)                   Drumboy                

                          Pauric Cassells, Cornagresh              

Sun 16 10.00    Teresa (Tess) McGuinness MM            

           John McHugh Twickenham &

  Elizabeth Tiernan Finiskill

Eslin 09.00                                                                

Feb 11, Our Lady of Lourdes, world day of prayer for the sick

Mass Times February 15th & 16th 

Sat Feb  15th      Mohill            7.30pm

Sun Feb 16th      Eslin              9.00am    

                             Mohill               10.00am

                             Fenagh              11.30am

Weekday Masses—Mon to Fri 10am

Rosary after weekday Mass

Confession—Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill

 First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.


Eucharistic Adoration

Takes place each Thurs after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm

Divine Mercy Conference 2025

 February 21st to 23rd, 2025, at the RDS Dublin. The conference will feature a range of speakers, including Fr James Blount, Roisin Doherty and Fr. Bernard Walsh. The event will include Holy Mass, Confessions, Eucharistic Healing service, Eucharistic Adoration, and various talks and workshops focused on the Divine Mercy devotion. Come along for a powerful weekend. More info on

Pope Francis

Dear brothers and sisters who are ill or who care for the suffering, in this Jubilee you play an especially important part. Your journey together is a sign for everyone: “a hymn to human dignity, a song of hope” (Spes Non Confundit, 11). Its strains are heard far beyond the rooms and beds of health facilities, and serve to elicit in charity “the choral participation of society as a whole” (ibid.) in a harmony that is at times difficult to achieve, but for that very reason is so comforting and powerful, capable of bringing light and warmth wherever they are most needed. The whole Church thanks you for this! I do as well, and I remember you always in my prayers. I entrust you to Our Lady, Health of the Sick, in the words that so many of our brothers and sisters have addressed to her in their hour of need:

Computer Course

Evening Computer Course for beginners starting in late February. From 7pm to 9pm on Tuesday and Thursday each week in the Mohill Enterprise Centre.  Leading to a Major Award – Certificate in Information and Communication Technologies.

Modules include – Computer Literacy, Word Processing, Communications, Spreadsheets, Internet Skills, Mathematics. Contract – 0719632024 or email to book your place now.



Enrolment is now open for St Manchan’s N.S for Junior Infants for school year 2025-2026. Admission forms can be downloaded from the website or email the school at for a form.


Seeing your life throughthe lens of the Gospels

Jesus invites Peter to put out the net again, and Peter does so though he thinks it pointless. When have you felt it was pointless to stick with a task, but did so nonetheless and been surprised by results? We never know when our efforts are going to bear fruit.         

‘Push out into the deep’ The invitation is to go out into unfamiliar waters, where we are not sure what will happen, where we feel uneasy, and our safety is not assured. When have you responded positively to that kind of an invitation and got positive results you did not expect?          

The story gives us a glimpse of what prepared the disciples to follow Jesus. They were helped by the compassion and concern of Jesus (cured Peter’s mother-in-law); attracted by his work and teaching; and witnessed the power of God at work through him. This led them to ‘leave everything and follow him’. Who, or what, influenced you in making key decisions in your life? Who was Jesus for you in those situations?


 Money Matters

Offertory Collection ..€1,412