
Sunday 26th May 2024


Mass Intentions

Sat 25    19.30      William & Eileen Beirne  Rosduan

                              Greta Earley & DM Early, Clarke  Hamilton & Comer families

Sun 26   10.00      Marie, Brendan & Kevin Casey

                                Christy McCaffrey Ussaun

Gorvagh  9.00   Michael & Mel Logan & DFM

Tues 28 10.00     Jim & Helen Heary

Sat  1     10.00      John & Nellie McGowan Tawlaughtmore

                19.30      Seamus McGovern & DFM

Sun 2     10.00      Susan McManus

                                Hannah & Peter Reynolds, Stuck

                                DM McCaffrey family,

Eslin       09.00                               


We pray for Liam Banahan, Garadice whose funeral took place yesterday



Weekday Masses—Mon to Fri 10am

Rosary after weekday Mass

Confession—Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill

 First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.

Eucharistic Adoration

takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm


Mass Times 25th & 26th 

Sat June 1st               Mohill  7.30pm

Sun June 2nd –          Eslin  9.00am

                                         Mohill 10.00am

                                            Foxfield 11.30am


Corpus Christi 

The feast of Corpus Christi, the Body and Blood of Christ is on Sun June 2 this year. A Corpus Christi procession will take place after  10am Mass on that day in Mohill. We will process down Main Street, Glebe Street, Water Street and back up Main Street. 



Mohill Family Support Centre is hoping to receive a gift of non-perishable food items shortly. If you would like to register your family for a food parcel, please contact the Centre and fill in an application form by Tuesday, June 4 at 4pm. You can call in to the Centre or make contact by e-mail to If you have children attending third level college, please give us proof of that, along with proof of the date when they will be finishing in third level. If this is your first food parcel from the Centre, you will also need to send in your photo ID. For any questions, please call us on 071 9631253.


 All Ireland Rosary Rally

Take place In Knock on Saturday, June 1st, starting at 9.30am in St John’s Centre with concelebrated Mass at 3pm in the Basilica, with

Bishop Phonsie Cullinan

More details on the Bulletin Board in the Church porch.


Criunniú na nÓg 

Are you aged between 8-11 years. Would you like to be involved in the creation of a new song and video that explores Mohill’s history and culture. Mohill library is running a series of free workshops in the build up to Criunniú na nÓg on Saturday June 15th. Over 3 workshops young people will explore different aspects of Mohill’s history and heritage through song and story.

The young people will then debut their song and film on Saturday 15th June to their family and friends.

Spaces are limited. Booking is essential please book by calling on 071 9631360 or


 Cemetery Sunday

Sun July 7, Mass at 3pm in the Church with blessing of graves afterwards


Golden Jubilee

Fr Ber Hogan celebrates his Golden Jubilee on 9th June at 1.00pm in Drumlish Church followed by refreshments in Drumlish Community Centre.



Ministries for June  2024

Altar Society

Helen Faughnan

Maura Baxter

Eucharistic Ministers Saturday

Harry McCrann

Eucharistic Ministers Sunday

Kathleen Cashin

Readers: Saturday

Jessica Dobson

Readers: Sunday


Cliona Duignan

Collectors: Saturday

 Gerry McHugh, Gerry Beirne

Francis McGowan, Patrick Beirne


Collectors: Sunday

 Padraig Ellis, Gerry O’Callaghan

Kieran O’Beirne, Maura Baxter




Money Matters

Offertory Collection €1,585

Thank you for your support