
Sunday 15th December 2024






                               Mass Intentions

 Sat 14       19.30      Bavushka Vasiliavno

                                                                                                John, Rose, Pat, Sean &                                                                                                         Nicholas Reynolds Corrick     

                                           Ray Creamer                  

Sun 15  10.00                               

Eslin        9.00                                 

               Sat 21       19.30      DM Shanley family, Meelick

                                                   Tom Pat, Greta Early & DM of

                                                                   Early, Clark, Hamilton & Comer  families

                        Sun 22  10,00     John Wynne (1 anniv)                  

                                                                     Michael  & Eileen Wynne  Gortavacan

                          Gorvagh 09.00   Mary Ann, Teresa & Jim Clyne

                                                   & DFM Drumnid



Confessions after 7.30pm Mass on Sat during the season of Advent



Mass Times December  14th & 15th

Sat Dec  21th      Mohill              7.30pm

Sun Dec 22th      Gorvagh          9.00am       

                          Mohill         10.00am

                    Fenagh                11.30am



Please pray for the repose of the souls of

Patricia Guckian, Gorvagh,

Tess McGuinness, Drumboy

Bridie Donegan nee Mulvey, Gorvagh & Derby

May they rest in peace.

Weekday Masses—Mon to Fri 10am

Rosary after weekday Mass

Confession—Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill

 First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.

Eucharistic Adoration

takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm.


Christmas Masses

Mohill 7.30pm Christmas Eve

Eslin 9.00am Christmas Day

Mohill 10.00am Christmas Day Fenagh 11.30am Christmas Day


Confessions for Christmas

Tues Dec 17, Aughavas

Wed Dec 18, Cloone

Thurs Dec 19, Gortletteragh

Mon Dec 23, Mohill

All at 7.30pm

  Clothing Collection

St Manchan’s National School clothing collection ends Friday 18th December.  Please leave bags of clean clothes, shoes, curtains, handbag and towels at the front or back door of the school  during school hours. Your support is appreciated.


SVP Christmas Appeal

The annual St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal takes place at Masses in Mohill, Gorvagh, Eslin, this  weekend (December 14th / 15th). Christmas, with its extra financial burdens, can be a very stressful time for many families and individuals in difficult circumstances. Your support is vital to enable SVP to make Christmas a time to remember for everyone. Please support generously and help people in need in your local area

Offertory Envelopes 2025

The Offertory envelopes for next year are being distributed over the coming weeks. Please do not use these until 1st January 2025.


 Christmas Carol Service

With Mohill Choir and  St Manchan’s School Choir in St Patrick’s Church Mohill at 7.00pm on Wednesday 18th December. A lovely way to start the Christmas celebrations. Your support would be greatly appreciated.


 Mohill Historical Society  Down with Jazz

on New Year’s Day starting at 12:30 PM at Station Road. We’ll march Up the Town to the Mohill Family Support Centre, where a treat awaits!   Enjoy live Jazz music from the incredible Ciarán Wilde and friends, plus a special surprise on the day.  Savour a cup of tea and a taste of traditional boxty (trust us, it’s delicious!). Prizes for the best 1920s–30s costumes and the most creative Down with Jazz slogan posters—so come dressed to impress and get ready to celebrate in true vintage style. Cost €10. Cash only on the day


Gorvagh Community Centre

Christmas flowers arranging Workshop on this Wednesday 18th Dec at 8.30pm in Gorvagh Community Centre.  €15 per person.. Great opportunity to make either a centre piece for table. Booking essential please Pm either Orla on 0879545190 Or Geraldine on 0877598554

Santa’s Visit

Santa will be visiting Gorvagh Community Centre on Friday the 20th December at 6pm. Booking is Essential message on 0877598554 €5 per child family concessions apply.


Money Matters

Offertory Collection ..€1,555