
October 15th

Mass Intentions

Sat 14 20.00 Teresa Bohan, Lough Rynn

Paul Wynne Corraterriff

Marie, Bride & Sonny Whelan

Sun 15 10.30 Nell & Francis Bohan Gortavacan

Michael, Ann & Gerard McWeeney

& Dolores O’Rourke

Jim O’Callaghan, main street 

Tues 17   10.00    Special intention 

Sat 21 20.00 Jim & Bridie McHugh, Bunnybeg

Kathleen & Bill Andrews Main St

Evie McNabola

Michael Woods

Chris Reynolds & DFM

Sun 22 10.30 Mary McKeon Ard na Si (1st anniv)

John James McKeon MM

Moira & Frank Cafferty, Drumlowan

Paul Greenan & DFM

Kathleen & Stephen Flynn


 First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.


Eucharistic Adoration this Thurs 12noon to 6pm

takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm—Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 5.45pm


We welcome into the Christian Community Ethan Donnelly, Bonnie Donnelly, and Michael Wynne who were baptised recently,




I will be on holidays from Mon Oct 16 until Sun Oct 29. You can contact Fr Joseph at 089 9657348 

Eslin & Gorvagh

No Mass in Eslin & Gorvagh on Sun 22 of Oct 


Word Processing Course


 Starting Monday, 23rd October 2023 Mohill Computer Training at the Mohill Enterprise Centre is now accepting registrations for its part-time 4-week QQI Level 4 Word Processing course.  Ideal for new and intermediate computer users preparing for employment or simply looking to upskill. Learn to create stunning documents using advanced formatting, graphics and shortcuts. Register by calling (071) 9632024 or by email


Seeing your life through the 

Lens of the Gospels


  Scripture often speaks of the kingdom of God as a banquet. The image of people being at a meal where everyone is happy and welcome and where all hunger and thirst is satisfied gets across the idea that God loves, accepts, and welcomes us and wants us to make that experience available to one another. Think of times in your life when you have had ‘banquet’ experiences and when you have felt accepted and loved? The host enlists the help of his servants to invite people to the banquet. We are commissioned by the Lord to invite people to the banquet of the kingdom, to the fullness of life – as parents, teachers, friends, etc. What has it been like for you to play a part in leading others to a fuller life?  As in the parable last week there is a message about being alert to invitations that offer a fuller life and the danger of losing out if we neglect to respond to such invitations. Perhaps there have been opportunities offered to you that you missed, and now regret. Think also of the blessings you received because you seized the moment and took an opportunity that presented itself.  The second parable puts the focus on how we respond to invitations. Some invitations are ones that challenge us to change, to conversion, to put on a ‘wedding garment.’ What has been your experience of changing in response to an invitation you received?


World Mental Health Week 2023-  9th to 16th Oct

For all inquiries and information on any of these events, please contact  ,  or phone 087 0918586


Mohill library

Free mobility classes with Dillon Keane Fitness starting Friday 20th October for 4 weeks. Booking is essential. Please ring or email the library to book on 071 9631360 or


Money Matters 


Offertory Collection .. €1,875

Harvest Dues………….€3,670


Irish Catholic Bishops

“We take this opportunity to affirm the generosity and dedication of healthcare professionals, including chaplains, in caring for people who are terminally ill.  The care they provide bears witness to the healing that is possible even when there is no longer any possibility of a ‘cure’.  We appeal, in the strongest possible terms, to all our legislators, who are entrusted with the care of the common good, to respect the integrity of healthcare as a service to life from conception until natural death.”