Sunday 3rd November 2024
Mass Intentions
Sat 2 19.30 Jim & Maura Foy Treanmore
DM McGuire, Murphy & Mulligan families
Mary Rogers Main St
Sun 3 10.00 Jim O’Brien
Eslin 09.00 Jim & Rosaleen Foley & Thomas Conlon
Wed 6 10.00 Noel McManus
Thurs 7 10.00 Special intention
Sat 9 19.30 JP O’Hagan
Sun 10 10.00 Ciaran Kennedy, St Patrick’s View
Gorvagh 9.00
Mass Times November 9th & 10th
Sat Nov 9th Mohill 7.30pm
Sun Nov 10th Gorvagh 9.00am
Mohill 10.00am
Fenagh 11.30am
Eucharistic Adoration
takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm.
Weekday Masses—Mon to Fri 10am
Rosary after weekday Mass
Confession—Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill
First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.
Aid to the Church in Need
This weekend we welcome Davide Barbieri, Diocesan Liaison Officer with Aid to the Church in Need (Ireland), to speak on behalf of ACN Ireland at all Masses in the parish and take up a collection during his visit. As a Catholic charity, ACN supports the faithful wherever they are persecuted, oppressed or in need, through information, prayer, and action.
Today, ACN supports almost 6,000 projects around the world focusing on humanitarian assistance, pastoral care, evangelisation, and support for persecuted Christians. As an example, one in every ten student priests in the world is now supported by the generous benefactors of ACN.
God our Father, Your power brings us to birth, Your providence guides our lives, and by Your command we return to dust. Lord, those who die still live in Your presence, their lives change but do not end. I pray in hope for my family, relatives and friends, and for all the dead known to You alone. Amen.
Pope Francis
The sanctifying action of the Holy Spirit reaches us primarily through two channels: the Word of God and the Sacraments. And among all the Sacraments, there is one that is quintessentially the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit, and it is on this that I would like to focus today. It is the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Life in the Spirit Seminars
St Brigid’s Church, Drumcong, Co Leitrim. N41 CK74 starting on Thurs 10th October to
21st November @ 8pm daily.
Speakers include John Pridmore, Frank McGuinness, Marie Beirne, Fr John Keane, Patricia Kelly, Agnes Cormack.
Please come and enjoy a special encounter with Jesus..
Clothing Collection
St Manchan’s N.S are holding a clothing collection, bags of clean clothes, shoes, towels duvet covers curtains and handbags can be left into the school from 900am –4.00pm Mon –Fri. Your support is appreciated.
Seeing your life through the Lens of the Gospels
Today’s gospel brings us right to the heart of what a Christian life involves: love of God and of neighbour. Jesus tells us that having life both now and in the future is the fruit of living in a spirit of love. How have you experienced the power of love given, and received, as a source of life and vitality? If you were asked what is most important in life, what would your answer be? Recall the experiences and relationships you have had. Which are the ones that you treasure most? What has particularly enriched your life? How would you encourage another person who asked you how s/he could live a full life? Jesus praises the questioner as one who had answered wisely. Recall some of the wise people you have known, people who in their words and actions impressed you with their capacity to see and treasure what is important in life.
Money Matters
Offertory Collection ..€1,835