
Sunday 22nd September 2024

 Mass Intentions 


Sat 21   19.30               Tom & Josie McLoughlin, Drumgowna

                                    Eilish & Breege Nicholl               

                                    Patricia Curry & Jack Nicholl

Sun 22  10.00                          Joe Crossan & DFM         

Sat 28    19.30                   Masie Clarke & DFM

Sun 29   10.00      Mary Foley MM, Drumdoo

                                                          Sandra McDermott Boeshill & DFM



Weekday Masses—Mon to Fri 10am

Rosary after weekday Mass

Confession—Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill

 First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.



Eucharistic Adoration

takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm.



Mass Times Sept 28th & September 29th

Sat Sept  29th                         Mohill                       7.30pm

Sun Sept   30th                           Mohill                        10.00am

                                                        Foxfield                     11.30am



In September and October

this year, the relics of Saint Bernadette, Bernadette Soubirous of Lourdes will journey on pilgrimage to Ireland for the very first time, visiting every diocese in the country.


Hedge Cutting Grant Scheme 2024/2025

To encourage the cutting of roadside trees and hedges, Leitrim County Council operate a Hedge Cutting Grant Scheme.  The Hedge Cutting Grant Scheme is now open and aims to encourage the cutting of roadside hedges/trees along the Public Road Network. Open to all, individual applicants, communities and groups. The Grant is €75 per km of the roadside hedge/overhanging trees which are cut back. Minimum length of road network per application is 1km. A new additional Grant of €50 per KM (Total of €125 per KM) has been introduced by Leitrim County Council to encourage the cutting of dangerous overhanging tree canopies/branches along the public road network.  Further information and application forms are available from Leitrim County Councils website  or by contacting the Roads Department by e-mail – or Telephone 071 9620005  Ext. 630. Closing Date is Friday 31st January, 2025.


Money Matters

Offertory Collection …..€1,195