
Second Sunday of Easter, Sunday 16 April 2023

Mass Intentions

Sat 15   20.00 Rosie Flynn MM

Noeleen Harkin, Breandrum

Des Duignan Coolabawn & DFM

Vena Carey London

Sun 16 10.30 Padraig Higgins & DFM, Corrigeen

Thur 20 10.00 Sean Wynne (1st anniv) & Joe & Brigid Wynne, Tawlaughtbeg

Fri  21 10.00 Claire Small, Cappagh

Sat  22 20.00 Pauric Cassells, MM

Cissie, Pat & Tommy Cassells

Johnny Rowley, Ussaun

Michael O’Connor, O’Carolan Court

Sun 23 10.30 Finola Kelly & DFM



Sat evening 7pm—Mohill Church

First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass

Eucharistic Adoration

takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm—Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 5.45pm


The honour of Benermerenti has been conferred on Mr Harry McCrann for his long and faithful service to the parish of Mohill. On Fri April 21 Mass will be celebrated at 8pm in St Patrick’s Church, Mohill and Harry will be presented with the Benermerenti medal . After Mass all are invited to the Canon Donohoe hall for light refreshments. 

Mohill Library Events

Mohill & District Historical Society presents a talk by Ronan McGreevy Friday 21st April at 8pm in Mohill library.  Cost €5. Collecting membership on the night for anyone who wishes to join.

Ronan will talk about his recent publication “Great Hatred: The assassination of Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson MP”  Who started the Irish Civil War and changed the course of Irish history. Why was this Longford-born British imperialist shot by two British-born Irish nationalists? What role did Michael Collins play in this calamitous event?

Also on the night before the talk we will be showing the film on Dr Muldoon “Murder in Mohill 1923”.

We have republished the brochures that were available on the night of the commemoration film with new added material and will be selling for €3 on the night.


Citizens Information outreach clinic every Wednesday at 3pm. No appointment needed.  Bookings are essential. 

Phone 071 9631360


Eslin Community Centre

Eslin GAA Healthy Eating Club is organising a free event for the senior members of Eslin Community on Saturday 29 April at 1.00pm in Eslin Community Centre, to bring everyone together for lunch with talks by the Charity ALONE and First Aid responders.

Alone works with senior members of society to help and support people in many ways,  All senior members of Eslin Community are invited to attend. Contact 086-0380801 for more information or if you need a lift to the event.

Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration

annual pilgrimage to Knock is on 

22 April 2023. Details on the Church notice board.

Pope Francis

May each of us, in the circumstances of our daily lives, prove zealous in discerning when and how best to proclaim the risen Jesus and his promise of the fullness of life and peace.


Seeing your life through the

Lens of the Gospels

Peace be with you’ was the greeting of Jesus on meeting his frightened apostles. Who has come to you bringing peace at times when you were frightened? For whom have you been an agent of peace?    Thomas, doubting and questioning, is possibly a person with whom we can identify. What part have doubts and questions played on your faith journey? How has your faith been strengthened by such moments?   Note the way Jesus dealt with Thomas. He did not give out because he doubted. He took him where he was and led him along to see the truth of his resurrection. Who has been that kind of a teacher for you, gently taking you where you were and leading you on to a deeper knowledge of some truth about life?  For whom have you been that kind of teacher? ‘Blessed are they who have not seen and yet believed’. That requires great trust. Perhaps you have had the experience of being trusted without having had to prove every step along the way. What was it like to be trusted in that way? Who have you been able to trust in a similar manner?


Money Matters

Offertory Collection …… €2,205