
Newsletter - Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mass Intentions

Sat  24 20.00   Sean Moran, Gortfadda

Sun 25 10.30   Mary Kennedy Finiskill

Eileen Kennedy Ohill

Wed 28 10.00 Katie McGovern & DFM

Sat 1 10.00 Confessions after Mass 


Sun 2 10.30 Tish Gordan Treanmore

Sean McGuinness

We pray for Phillis O’Callaghan, nee McGuinness, originally from Mohill who died recently in London 


Sat evening 7pm—Mohill Church

First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass


Eucharistic Adoration

takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm—Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 5.45pm

Cemetery Sunday

Will take place on Sunday July 2. Mass at 3pm and blessing of graves afterwards


House Blessing


Summer is a beautiful time for families to come together. It is also a time of challenges and dangers. If you would like your house blessed and a visit from a Priest please call 071 9631024 


Beginning Breastfeeding 


Ideal for parents to be or new parents starting your breastfeeding journey.

28th June, Mohill Library @ 18.30.Hosted by Ciara IBCLC and Aisling Mohill  FOBF organiser.

Spaces limited  Register at:


Mohill Photography Club 

are hosting a Generation Photo Shoot (Under the Guidance of Brian Farrell, National Photo Journalist) in LAPWD,Station Rd, Mohill on Friday 30th June from 7pm -9pm & Saturday 1st July from 11am -1pm. 1 member per generation of same family. Booking is essential as limited places available. Contact Therese on 087 967 5718. This is a free event. 

QQI Level 5 Computer Course – Starting September 2023

Mohill Computer Training are now recruiting for our full – time QQI Level 5 computer programme. This course will help you to upskill, gain employment or access third level education. This is a full – time computer applications course starting in September. Register now as places are limited. Call 071 9632024 or  for more information


Rally For Life


is on Saturday 1st July at 1pm, meeting at Parnell Square, Dublin. This is an annual event to stand up for the unborn that are being constantly attacked at this point in our nation’s history. Come and hear great speakers who will inspire us all to fight for the unborn child. To book your place on a bus from Leitrim: txt/call 086-8775036

Ministries for July  2023

Altar Society

Geraldine Kennedy

Eucharistic Ministers Saturday

Marguerite Faughnan

Eucharist Ministers Sunday

 Margaret Britton

Readers: Saturday

Denis McGeoghan

Readers: Sunday

Liam Ellis

Collectors: Saturday

Lorna Matthews, Gerry McHugh

Gerry Beirne,

Patrick Beirne, Seamus Ward

Pauline Lynam

Collectors: Sunday

Padraig Ellis

Jim Rogers, Gerry O’Callaghan

Kieran O’Beirne, Maura Baxter


Money Matters

Offertory Collection ……. €1,690

Thank you for your continued support