
Newsletter Thirty-First Sunday of Ordinary Time

Mass Intentions

Sat 4 20.00 Michael & Mary Kilrane, Drumboy

Michael Mulligan, Drumboy

Peter & Cisse Harkin 

Sun 5 10.30 Fran McGuinness MM, Hyde St, Jeremiah & Nora O’Callaghan & DFM

DM McWeeney family, Cornee

Jim O’Brien, Glebe St

Kathleen Duignan, Drumreask

Thurs 9 10.00 John Pat Early & DM Early, Clarke & Hamilton families

Sat  11 20.00 JP Hagan

Sun 12 10.30 Patrick Bohan MM

Bernard & Mary McCauley & DFM, Drumard

Ciaran Kennedy, St Patrick’s View

Mary Dillon,Drumconney, her  brother John & DM O’Rourke family


Eucharistic Adoration 

takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm

Confession—Sat evening 7pm in Mohill

 First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.


Study/Reflect on the Catechism

First meeting this Thurs, Nov 9 at 8pm in the parochial house, Mohill. For more information call Madeleine at 087 988 7281


Pioneer Pledge for

month of the Holy Souls

A short-term pledge gives spiritual support and encouragement to people and their families who

are living under a shadow of addiction. Further information from the Pioneers on 01 80-5 4226 or



North West STOP


 are holding their Annual General Meeting on the 17th November at the Mayflower, Drumshanbo at 7pm. Guest speakers and light refreshments on the evening. All are welcome.


Mohill ICA Meeting

on November 7th, at 8.00pm in the Canon Donohoe Hall, followed by a workshop for Christmas Card making, raffle and refreshments. All welcome.


Album Launch in the Dock

‘Eamonn Dunne and Mairead Kelly aka The Cat’s Meow, are launching their debut album on Wednesday 8th November in The Dock  Carrick on Shannon at 8pm.Tickets available from The Dock website or by phone 071 965 0828 

St Manchan’s NS 

are holding a clothing collection on the 15th November. All clean clothes, Shoes, bags, curtains and soft toys can be left into the school from Monday 6th November.


Part Time – Word Processing Course – 

Starting Monday, 6th November 2023

Mohill Computer Training at the Mohill Enterprise Centre is now accepting registrations for its part-time 4-week QQI Level 4 Word Processing course.  Register by calling (071) 9632024 emailing


Mohill library


The Leitrim Basket Project

Join the Willow Woman on the launch of the Leitrim Potato Basket. Come and learn how to make the basket.

Tuesday 14th November at 7pm


One-to-one digital skills every Tuesday and Friday. Booking is essential call on 

071 9631360,


No citizens information outreach clinic on 8th and 15th November. Clinic will be back on the 29th November.


Adult boards game afternoon every Friday 10th November 3-4pm. Just pop along.


Craft group meeting on the first and third Tuesday of each month. No experience needed.


Seeing your life through the 

Lens of the Gospels


 The condemnation of the scribes and pharisees by Jesus brings to mind the public discourse about the Church in recent years. This has highlighted the failures of church people to live up to the values of the Gospel. This has had a negative effect on many people and on their religious practice. How do you find hope in the midst of this negative criticism? When our actions match our words about gospel values, then our words carry more weight. Recall people whom you admired for this quality. Perhaps your own experience at times confirms this. Our passage ends with a paradox. Those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted. For Jesus the way to greatness and a full life is through service of others. When have you found the way of service brought unexpected rewards?


Eslin Community Association

are holding their annual AGM on 20th November at 9.00pm.


Adoption Support

Information and Support for Birth Mothers – whose babies were placed for adoption may

be found at or by calling the relevant section of TUSLA at +353 818 445



Money Matters 

Offertory Collection .. €1,405 – Thank you for your support