
Newsletter Most Holy Trinity Sunday 4 June 2023

Mass Intentions

Sat 3rd – 20.00

Maureen Fuchas nee Kilrane Germany  MM

Susan McManus 

Peter & Nora Fitzpatrick & granddaughter Noreen & DFM

Sun 4th – 10.30

DM McCaffrey family

Gorvagh – 9.30

Maureen & John P Canning Corgallion

Thurs 8th – 10.00

Eugene Baxter Towneyeely

Sat 10th – 20.00

Gerry McLoughlin

Sun 11th – 10.30

Eslin 9.00

Pat, Josephine & Angela Stenson



Sat evening 7pm—Mohill Church

First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass


Eucharistic Adoration

takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm—Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 5.45pm


Episcopal Ordination

On Sun June 18 Fr Paul Connell will be Ordained Bishop of Ardagh & Clonmacnois at 3pm in St Mel’s Cathedral, Longford. The parish of Mohill has been given 10 thickets for the Ordination. If you would like to attend call 071 9631024


196 Our presentation of the faith will follow the Apostles’ Creed, which constitutes, as it were, “the oldest Roman catechism”. the presentation will be completed however by constant references to the Nicene Creed, which is often more explicit and more detailed.


House Blessing

 Summer is a beautiful time for families to come together. It is also a time of challenges and dangers. If you would like your house blessed and a visit from a Priest please call 071 9631024 


Cemetery Sunday

Will take place on Sunday July 2. Mass at 3pm and blessing of graves afterwards.


Willow Weaving Classes

Willow Weaving classes. LAPWD Action Ability Centre 5 Week Course 10am-1pm commencing Tues 16th May Limited availability Cost €30 Ring 071 9651000 to book your place

QQI Level 5 Computer Course – Starting September 2023

Mohill Computer Training are now recruiting for our full – time QQI Level 5 computer programme. This course will help you to upskill, gain employment or access third level education. This is a full – time computer applications course starting in September. Register now as places are limited. Call 071 9632024 or  for more information


194 The Apostles’ Creed is so called because it is rightly considered to be a faithful summary of the apostles’ faith. It is the ancient baptismal symbol of the Church of Rome. Its great authority arises from this fact: it is “the Creed of the Roman Church, the See of Peter the first of the apostles, to which he brought the common faith”.13


197 As on the day of our Baptism, when our whole life was entrusted to the “standard of teaching”,14 let us embrace the Creed of our life-giving faith. To say the Credo with faith is to enter into communion with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and also with the whole Church which transmits the faith to us and in whose midst we believe

Pope Francis

Dear brothers and sisters: In our continuing catechesis on apostolic zeal, we now turn to Matteo Ricci, one of the early Jesuit missionaries to the Far East, who fulfilled the dream of Saint Francis Xavier and entered China. Father Ricci patiently mastered the difficult Chinese language and immersed himself in the country’s culture. Thanks to his writings in Chinese and his knowledge of mathematics and astonomy, Matteo Ricci became known and respected as a sage and scholar. His vast learning and his ability to engage in sincere and respectful dialogue were employed in the service of the Gospel, which he made known not only in his writings but by his example of religious life, prayer and virtue, which attracted many of his Chinese disciples and friends to embrace the Catholic faith. Matteo Ricci was the first foreigner permitted by the Emperor to be buried on Chinese soil. In our day, Father Matteo Ricci can serve as an outstanding model for the inculturation of the Gospel. He also remains an inspiration for relations between the Church and China, and for dialogue between the cultures of East and West in the service of peace and fraternity among peoples.


Money Matters

Offertory Collection ……. €1,330

Mission Collection ………€1,451

Thank you for your continued support