Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Sunday 11 June 2023Mass Intentions
Sat 17 20.00
Maureen McNabola (1st anniv) Corlea
Elizabeth Mai Beirne, Avondale, Mohill
Tommy & Mary Murphy & DFM
Pee Guckien, Gorvagh
Sun 18 10.30
Tues 20 10.00 Seamus McGovern
Wed 21 10.00 Bernadette McGuigan
Sat 24 20.00 Sean Moran, Gortfadda
Sun 25 10.30 Mary Kennedy Finiskill
Eileen Kennedy Ohill
Sat evening 7pm—Mohill Church
First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass
Eucharistic Adoration
takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm—Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 5.45pm
Cemetery Sunday
Will take place on Sunday July 2. Mass at 3pm and blessing of graves afterwards
Episcopal Ordination of Paul Connell
Fr. Paul Connell will be ordained bishop of Ardagh and Clonmacnois in St. Mel’s Cathedral on Sunday, June 18th at 3 p.m. As he prepares to take on the role of Shepherd in our diocese we are asked to pray for him especially in the lead up to his episcopal ordination. We pray that bishop-elect Paul will be blessed with the ‘gifts’ and ‘fruits’ necessary to lead our diocese in these challenging and uncertain times.
House Blessing
Summer is a beautiful time for families to come together. It is also a time of challenges and dangers. If you would like your house blessed and a visit from a Priest please call 071 9631024
The Priory Institute
two week online Summer School on the Gospel of John will run from 14-28 August. The course includes eight recorded presentations and two on-line zoom discussions and is very flexible as it is delivered entirely online.
QQI Level 5 Computer Course – Starting September 2023
Mohill Computer Training are now recruiting for our full – time QQI Level 5 computer programme. This course will help you to upskill, gain employment or access third level education. This is a full – time computer applications course starting in September. Register now as places are limited. Call 071 9632024 or for more information
Mohill library
Return to Learning Workshop Series
Financial Supports for Adult Education
Tuesday 20th June 5.30-6.30pm
Call: 071 9621371
Citizens Information Outreach Clinic
Every Wednesday 3-4pm
No appointment needed
Rally For Life is on Saturday 1st July at 1pm, meeting at Parnell Square, Dublin. This is an annual event to stand up for the unborn that are being constantly attacked at this point in our nation’s history. Come and hear great speakers who will inspire us all to fight for the unborn child. To book your place on a bus from Leitrim: txt/call 086-8775036
Seeing your life through The Lens of the Gospels
Jesus allowed himself to be touched by the needs of the crowd. When you are with people, what difference does it make to the way you relate to them when you have empathy with them?
The commission Jesus gave the twelve ‘to cure all kinds of diseases and sickness’ is a reminder to us that we all have the capacity to be an influence for good in the lives of others. In this we continue the mission of Jesus (cf. St Teresa’s Prayer). When have you experienced yourself as having a healing or life-giving influence on another person? Who has had that influence on you? At a first glance it might seem that Jesus made some bad choices in his twelve apostles. One will deny Jesus, another will betray him and others are only interested in who will be first. All of them will run away in the end. This reminds us that all kinds can share in the mission of Jesus, no matter how we see ourselves.
Swimming Lessons at Keeldra Lake, Cloone
Water Safety Ireland Annual Swimming and Lifesaving classes commence at Keeldra Lake on Monday 3rd July, 2023 at 10.00am and will run for two weeks. Enrolment will take place at the lake on Sunday 25th June, from 4pm to 6pm .
Money Matters
Offertory Collection ……. €2,020
Thank you for your continued support