
Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Sunday 11 June 2023

Mass Intentions

Sat 10 – 20.00

Gerry McLoughlin


Sun 11 10.30

Eslin – 9.00

Pat, Josephine & Angela Stenson

Sat 17 – 20.00

Maureen McNabola (1st anniv) Corlea

Elizabeth Mai Beirne, Avondale, Mohill

Tommy & Mary  Murphy & DFM

Pee Guckien, Gorvagh 

Sun 18 – 10.30


Sat evening 7pm—Mohill Church

First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass


Eucharistic Adoration

takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm—Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 5.45pm


The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Fri June 16—Mass in Mohill at 10am The Feast of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is one of the most widely practiced and well-known devotions in the Roman Catholic Church.  It takes the physical heart of Jesus as representation of His Divine love for humanity.  The Feast of the Sacred Heart has been in the Roman Catholic Liturgical calendar since 1856, and is always celebrated 19 days after Pentecost Sunday.  

What does the Solemnity of Corpus Christi celebrate?

Also known as the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, this feast honors Jesus Christ, Really, Truly and Substantially Present under the appearances of bread and wine. This Presence happens through the change which the Church calls transubstantiation (“change of substance”), when at the Consecration of the Mass, the priest says the words which Christ Himself pronounced over bread and wine, “This is My Body,” “This is the chalice of My Blood,” “Do this in remembrance of Me.”


House Blessing

 Summer is a beautiful time for families to come together. It is also a time of challenges and dangers. If you would like your house blessed and a visit from a Priest please call 071 9631024 


Cemetery Sunday

Will take place on Sunday July 2. Mass at 3pm and blessing of graves afterwards.


QQI Level 5 Computer Course – Starting September 2023

Mohill Computer Training are now recruiting for our full – time QQI Level 5 computer programme. This course will help you to upskill, gain employment or access third level education. This is a full – time computer applications course starting in September. Register now as places are limited. Call 071 9632024 or  for more information

Mohill Historical Society

are planning a private tour of John McGahern’s Barracks Museum, Cootehall Saturday 10th June. Meeting at 2.15pm at John McGahern Barrack, Cuilmore, Cootehall, Co. Roscommon, F52 YD92. Cost is €10 payable on the day. The tour will roughly last 2 hours. Booking is essential. Please call or text after 5pm to 087 4194139 to book in or email

Seeing your life through The Lens of the Gospels

Jesus tells us that to have life we need more than physical nourishment. How have you been aware of deeper hungers? What has met that deeper longing in you? 

Jesus tells us that it is not just something he gives us which will give us life, but himself in his life, death and resurrection. How has your faith in the person of Jesus fed you? 

Jesus speaks about ‘drawing life’ from him. In day to day living what are the practices which support your faith and help you to draw life from Jesus? 

The Eucharist is one of the ways in which we draw life from Jesus. Recall with gratitude how the Eucharist has been a source of nourishment and life for you. 

Perhaps you can also think of human examples of people drawing life from one another. From whom have you drawn life? Who has been able to draw life from you?

Episcopal Ordination

On Sun June 18 Fr Paul Connell will be Ordained Bishop of Ardagh & Clonmacnois at 3pm in St Mel’s Cathedral, Longford. The parish of Mohill has been given 10 thickets for the Ordination. If you would like to attend call 071 9631024


Money Matters

Offertory Collection ……. €2,070

Thank you for your continued support