
Fifth Sunday of Easter, Sunday 7th May 2023

Mass Intentions

Sat 6    20.00 Packie & Celine McCrann, Attymanus

Paddy O’Toole & DFM

Sun 7 10.30 Luke Early, Main St

Luke & Margaret Early Tawlaughtbeg

Jackie Brown, Kate & Pat McCrann, Lough Errill

Gorvagh 09.30 Paddy Flynn & DFM Selton

Tues 9 10.00 Rita & Sonny & Paul Wynne &  DFM, Corraterrif

Sat 13   20.00 Moira, Mary Jane & Michael Bohan & DFM, McLoughra

Frances Canning, Cappagh &

Tom & Teresa Canning Towneymore

Sun 14 10.30 Bernie & Mamie Higgins & DFM

Eileen McGinley, Drumrahill

Michael & Rita Reynolds & their son 

Michael Reynolds, Drumrahan


Sat evening 7pm—Mohill Church

First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass

Eucharistic Adoration

takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm—Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 5.45pm


To all who received the Sacrament of Confirmation in Mohill on Sat May 6 and to all involved in your preparation for the Sacrament 


Cemetery Sunday

Will take place on Sunday July 2. Mass at 3pm and blessing of graves afterwards

Rosary Rally

Join us in a Public Square Rosary Rally for the conversion of Ireland . This is one of over 500 such Rosary Rallies across the country on Sat May 13 at 4pm at the O’Carolan monument, Mohill


Charismatic Day of Renewal

Sat May 27, 2023 at Emmanuel house of providence, Clonfert, Co Galway H53 E5N6, starting at 10am 



1285 Baptism, the Eucharist, and the sacrament of Confirmation together constitute the “sacraments of Christian initiation,” whose unity must be safeguarded. It must be explained to the faithful that the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace.88 For “by the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. 


Pope Francis 

Dear brothers and sisters: In my recent Apostolic Journey to Hungary, I encountered a courageous people, conscious of its deep Christian roots and open to a future of hope. The nation’s long history of sanctity was crowned in the twentieth century by the witness of many believers during the Nazi and Communist persecutions. Budapest, a city of bridges, symbolizes the challenge facing Hungary, and indeed all of Europe, to continue to build bridges of solidarity and peace between peoples. There I witnessed at first hand the “humanitarian bridge” created to welcome the numerous refugees from Ukraine, as well as the efforts of the Hungarian people to build a “bridge to the future” through care for the natural and human environment and efforts to ensure a sustainable future. At the impressive Mass that concluded my visit, I witnessed the vitality of the Church in Hungary and its commitment to strengthening the bridges of fraternity that unite Christians of different rites and confessions. As we begin this month of May, dedicated to Our Lady, I ask her, the Queen of Hungary, to intercede for the beloved Hungarian people and for all of us, so that, rooted in faith, we may build bridges of unity and concord in our communities and in our world.


Seeing your life through the Lens of the Gospels

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God. Believe also in me.’ Trust in another person can help us in difficult times. Remember and give thanks for the people you were able to trust in difficult moments. Remember also when your faith in God helped you through anxious moments.

Thomas struggled with the desire, which is in all of us, to know exactly the destination before we set out. Jesus invites us to make an act of faith and to take one step at a time. Can you recall times when it helped you to take that trusting attitude to life?  Jesus proposed himself to Thomas as the way, the truth and the life. In what ways – either by his teaching or by his example – has Jesus been the way, the truth and the life for you on your faith journey?  Philip wanted Jesus to give him a glimpse of God and got the surprising answer ‘Whoever has seen me has seen the Father’. Jesus put a human face on the love of God. He gives us a glimpse of the divine. We are Jesus people in the world today, called to follow Jesus and to put a human face on the love of God for those who meet us. Who are the people whose love has helped you to believe in the love of God? To whom have you given an occasional glimpse of the divine?


Money Matters

Offertory Collection … €1,885

Thank you for your continued support