Newsletter September 17thMass Intentions
Sat 16 20.00 Tom & Josie McLoughlin
Sean McLoughlin, Drumgowna
Martin Stokes
Sun 17 10.30 Amanda Rowley (1st anniv) Hyde St
Fri 22 10.00 Bernard & Mary Margaret Reynolds & DFM, Leitrim Upper.
Sat 23 20.00
Sun 24 10.30
First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.
Eucharistic Adoration
takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm—Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 5.45pm
Do you want to know more about your faith?
Information meeting about a 20 week programme of getting to know the YOUCAT Catechism on Thurs Sept 21 at 8pm in the Parochial house, Mohill
will take place on Saturday, September 23rd in St. Mel’s Cathedral, Longford from 3pm to 8.30pm. Day will include: A Eucharistic Healing Cenacle led by Mother Adela Galindo, Veneration of St. John Paul II’s Relic, and the celebration of Mass with Bishop Paul Connell. All are most welcome to join us on this special day.
Mohill Scouts Opening
Tuesday 19th September in Mohill library @7.30-8 30pm. Now enrolling for beavers 6-8 years, cubs 9-11 years and scouts 12-15 years. Adult volunteers also welcome.
Mohill Library Events
Culture Night. Friday, September 22 at 7pm Words and Music with Katherine Lynch and The Cat’s Meow featuring special guest on the night Gerry Bohan. Come join us for a wonderful evening of music, songs and poetry.
Light refreshments served
Free One-to-One Digital Skills. September dates are: Fridays, Sept 22, 29. Tuesdays, Sept 26. Learn how to use your own smartphone, tablet, laptop etc. Booking is essential. Call on 071 9631360 or email on
Learn to Play Bridge classes starting back Thursday 5th October 11am-1pm. Register your interest at or calling on 071 9631360.
Leitrim Association of People With Disabilities ,
Action Ability Centre Mohill is running two courses this September.
Beginners Art Course , Starting Thursday the 14th September for 5 Weeks From:11 AM-1PM
Save the date Leitrim Association of People with Disabilities 5km Run/ Walk/ Roll event will take place on Sunday the 24th Sept everyone is welcome to take part. Registration is on from 11.30am and starting at 12 noon at LAPWD’s Action Ability Centre, Station Rd Mohill. This event is €10 per person or €20 per family. Your support would be appreciated. Guaranteed Fun for all the family.
Mohill Computer Training – September 2023
Are you looking to upskill, gain employment or access third level education? We are now offering a full time QQI Level 5 and a part time QQI Level 4 computer course. You may be entitled to a training allowance. Up to 390 CAO points available on our Full time course. For information
071 9632024 or email
Eight week Zumba & Toning class starting Tuesday 3rd of October at 6.45pm in Gorvagh Community Centre. For further information contact 0879390980
Seeing your life through the lens of the Gospels
Jesus surprised Peter by telling him he needed to forgive seventy-seven times. Perhaps you have known the value of this when something reminds you of a past hurt and you find you need in your heart to forgive again the person who hurt you. What was this like for you? How has a capacity to have a forgiving heart helped you? Sometimes we need to forgive ourselves for things we regret about past behaviour. What happens to you when you cannot do this? How has your ability to forgive yourself for past mistakes influenced your attitude towards yourself now? Pope Francis chose as his motto ‘miserando atque eligendo’ (seen with compassion and chosen) to express his belief that Jesus viewed his past mistakes with compassion, and called him, nonetheless. At this moment can you see Jesus calling you, no matter what your past has been like?Are there people whose ability to forgive has inspired you? Recall them and the forgiveness they showed and give thanks for their example
Money Matters
Offertory Collection .. €1,710 Thank you for your support