
Sunday 23rd June 2024






Mass Intentions

          Sat  22    19.30    Liam Banahan MM, Garadice

                                        Bryan Spratt (1st Anniv)

                                        Paddy Keating (20th Anniv)

                                        Monica & Celine Keating

                                        DM Wynne family, Drumrahill

                        Sun 23    10.00     Maureen McNabola, Corlea (2nd anniv)

                                                               Gorvagh 9.00      Packie Joe & Mona Cafferty Drumlowan                                       

                                                   Mary Ewing & Michael Joseph Heeran

Sat 29 19.30         Gerry & Pauline McLoughlin

                                                              Kevin MaGuire (Gortfadda & USA) & DFM

Sun 30 10.00   Katie McGovern & DFM

                          Mary Kennedy, Finiskill &

                Eileen Kennedy, Ohill

                          Peter Guckian, Gorvagh

Eslin  9.00am                                           

Gorvagh 9.00am                                                

We pray for Phil Mulholland, Gorvagh whose funeral took place during the week


Weekday Masses—Mon to Fri 10am

Rosary after weekday Mass

Confession—Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill

 First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.

Eucharistic Adoration

takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm


Mass Times June 29th & 30th 

Sat June 29th        Mohill    7.30pm

Sun June 30th                   Eslin & Gorvagh 9.00am

                              Mohill   10.00am

                                    Foxfield   11.30am

Cemetery Sunday

Sun July 7, Mass at 3pm in the Church with blessing of graves afterwards


Thank You

Mohill Community Garden Committee & members would like to thank everyone who baked, bought, and made donations to our recently Cake Sale. It was much appreciated. Total €475. This will be spent wisely within the Mohill Community Garden, which is open every Tuesday morning 10am – 1.00pm. All welcome.


Swimming Lessons at Keeldra Lake

Water Safety Ireland Annual Swimming and Life saving classes commence at Keeldra Lake on Monday 1st July, 2024 at 10.00am for two weeks. Enrolment will take place at the lake on Sunday 23rd June, from 4pm to 6pm.   Please note there will be no Enrolment on the  morning of the commencement of classes.


Parish Pastoral Council meeting on Wed June 26 at 7pm in the Parochial house, Mohill

The Bishops of Ireland

have asked for prayers for all people affected by the Israel/Hamas war, for the release of hostages, for humanitarian workers and for first responders.  Bishops reiterated the words of Pope Francis that this war is a “catastrophe for humanity.”


Relics of St. Oliver Plunkett 

will visit The Conaty Chapel of the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre in Cavan H12 E5C7 on Tuesday next.  The relics will arrive at the Centre at 10:00a.m. and will be available for veneration until 10:00p.m. that evening.  Masses will be offered at 1:15p.m. (Rev. Jordan Mac Gabhann, recently-ordained); 5:45p.m. (Rev. Thomas Small, CC Cavan), and 8:00p.m. (Bishop Martin Hayes). There will be opportunities for Confessions throughout the day.  Petitions/Donations may be sent to the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre (Relics Visit), Cullies, Cavan H12 E5C7.  All petitions received will be placed beside the relics as they rest in the Chapel.  All are welcome for this very special event.  Please contact the Centre on 049 4375004 for further information. 

Seeing your life through the Lens of the Gospels

The image of a boat in a stormy sea is a symbol of life in difficult times and is an image of the inner turmoil, anxiety and high emotions we then experience. Has your faith in the presence of the risen Jesus been a help to you? Recall the memory and give thanks. The image can also be applied to a family, a community, a parish, or any other group. Perhaps a ‘Jesus-person’ in the group came to your assistance and calmed you down? Remember people who have had a gift of bringing you peace in troubled situations. The significance of miracles in the gospels is that they show Jesus as one who brings God’s power to bear on human need and suffering. Have there been times when you have been a channel for this healing power of God, holding a crying child in your arms, calming the anxiety of a friend, or being a peacemaker in a group to which you belong?


Mohill heritage project

A project has been launched to celebrate Mohill’s rich heritage and history. And the team want help in deciding which elements of Mohill’s heritage are most notable and give us most pride. You are also invited to one a public meetings to generate ideas in Mohill Library.

Email for more information, or see, and look out for posters and social media posts


 Money Matters

Offertory Collection €1,770

Thank you for your support