Sunday 2nd June 2024
Mass Intentions
Sat 1 19.30 Seamus McGovern & DFM
Sun 2 10.00 Susan McManus
Hannah & Peter Reynolds, Stuck
DM McCaffrey family,
Eslin 09.00
Thurs 6 10.00 Eugene Baxter, Towneyeely
Sat 8 19.30
Sun 9 10.00
Gorvagh 09.00 Maureen & John Patrick Canning & DFM Corgallion
Pat & Dympna Wynne & DFM, Corgar
Weekday Masses—Mon to Fri 10am
Rosary after weekday Mass
Confession—Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill
First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.
Eucharistic Adoration
takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm
Mass Times June 8th & 9th
Sat June 8th Mohill 7.30pm
Sun June 9th – Gorvagh 9.00am
Mohill 10.00am
Foxfield 11.30am
First Friday
Next Friday is the first Friday with the usual arrangements for the sick and housebound.
Clothing Collection
St Manchan’s N.S clothing collection has been extended and will continue until 12th June. Bags of clean clothes, shoes, blankets, belts, handbags can be dropped at the front or back door of the school during school hours. Your support is appreciated.
Corpus Christi
The feast of Corpus Christi, the Body and Blood of Christ is on Sun June 2 this year. A Corpus Christi procession will take place after 10am Mass on that day in Mohill. We will process down Main Street, Glebe Street, Water Street and back up Main Street.
Mohill Family Support Centre is hoping to receive a gift of non-perishable food items shortly. If you would like to register your family for a food parcel, please contact the Centre and fill in an application form by Tuesday, June 4 at 4pm. You can call in to the Centre or make contact by e-mail to If you have children attending third level college, please give us proof of that, If this is your first food parcel from the Centre, you will also need to send in your photo ID. For any questions, please call us on 071 9631253.
Cemetery Sunday
Sun July 7, Mass at 3pm in the Church with blessing of graves afterwards
Golden Jubilee
Fr Ber Hogan celebrates his Golden Jubilee on 9th June at 1.00pm in Drumlish Church followed by refreshments in Drumlish Community Centre.
Mohill Community Garden
are having their annual fundraising Cake Sale on Sunday 9th June after 10am Mass. Cake stand will be located in Mohill Church car park. Please support as funds are for the community garden which are open every Tuesday morning 10am – 1pm.
We pray for migrants fleeing their homes
Each month, Pope Francis shares a prayer intention as part of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network. The monthly prayer intentions express the Holy Father’s concerns for humanity and the mission of the Catholic Church. In June, we are asked to pray that migrants fleeing from war or hunger, forced to undertake journeys full of danger and violence, find welcome and new opportunities in the countries that receive them.
Seeing your life through the Lens of the Gospels
The symbolic gesture of breaking and sharing bread and sharing the cup, that Jesus made at the Last Supper, symbolised the offering of himself that he would make on Calvary, giving his life for others. Sometimes we also are called to give our lives for others. We can do this grudgingly or with a generous heart. What difference has it made for you when you were able to give yourself freely? In his encyclical letter Deus Caritas Est Pope Benedict XVI wrote, ‘A Eucharist which does not pass over into the concrete practice of love is essentially fragmented.’ What has helped you to be aware of the importance of the link between the Eucharist and your lifestyle? Jesus involved his disciples both in the preparation for the Last Supper and in its celebration. Recall times when you had a heightened awareness of participation and involvement in the Mass. What helped to give you this awareness? Are there lessons from these special experiences that you can bring with you to the routine Sunday Mass?
Money Matters
Offertory Collection €1,340
Thank you for your support