
Sunday 9th March 2025


  Mass Intentions

Sat 8       19.30  Gene Gray & DFM, Drumdoo & DFM

                              Michael & Annie Kate Moran & DFM

Sun 9      10.00    Eleanor Goodwin                                 

                                        Vasilievna Soloviera                                     

                                        Michael Flynn, Drumlowan                       

                        Mary Murray                                

Gorvagh 09.00                                                                

Thurs 13  10.00  Elaine Mae (nee Reilly)                          

Sat 15      19.30   Andrew Kevin Farrelly                            

                                        Pauric Cassells, Cornagresh                            

Rita Doyle                   

Sun 16 10.00 Tommy Keville                                        

Eslin    09.00  Sonny & Annie Joe McLoughlin Stuck

                           Thomas & Evelyn Reynolds, Leitrim lower



Pray for the repose of the soul of  Tommy Murphy, Treanmore whose funeral took place during the week  May he rest in peace.

Weekday Masses during Lent

Mohill; 7.30am & 10am 

Mass Times March 15th & 16th

Sat Mar  15th   Mohill            7.30pm

                                                 Sun Mar 16th   Eslin                9.00am                                                    

                               Mohill              10.00am       

                    Fenagh                 11.30am


Weekday Masses—Mon to Fri 7.30am & 10am

Rosary after 10am Mass

Confession—Sat evening 7pm in Mohill.       

First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.

St Patrick’s Day,   Mon March 17

Mass times: Gorvagh 9am, Mohill 10am, Fenagh 11.30am


Eucharistic Adoration

Takes place each Thurs after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction first Thurs of the month at 6pm


Prayer service for Peace

Fri March 14, at 8pm in Mohill Church


Cash for Clothing

St Manchan’s N.S are holding a clothing collection. Bags of clean clothes, shoes, curtains, towels handbags and belts can be left at front or back door of the school during school hours.


Basic Computers classes

 with Introduction to the Internet and using a Smartphone starting in Carrick on Shannon on Thursday the 13th of March at 10:00am in the FET Centre, Market Yard, Carrick on Shannon, N41 P997. No appointment necessary, just come along on the day, meet the tutor and find out more information.

Lourdes Collection

A second collection will be taken up after Communion on the weekend of 22 & 23 of March in aid of the diocesan pilgrimage fund


Lourdes Pilgrimage 2025,

led by Bishop Paul Connell, is open for booking now. May 30th -June 4th from €969. For more details contact Joe WalshTours at 01-2410800 or email Pilgrims who would like to travel with  the Special Assisted Section should apply to Margaret McDonald Tel: 086 3918577.


Nursing Staff for the Lourdes Pilgrimage.

Those interested in joining as a Nursing staff member for the Diocesan Pilgrimage, which takes place from May 30th -June 4th  are to contact the parish or Matron Margaret McDonald

Tel:  086 3918577


Mohill Active Age

Mohill Active Age will meet every Wednesday at 3.00pm in Mohill Library. All welcome.

Mohill St. Vincent de Paul

would like to thank everyone in Mohill and the surrounding parishes who contributed to their annual Christmas Appeal. All in all, €12,666 was raised by donations from businesses and individuals along with church-gate collections. This was our best Christmas fundraising campaign ever and is a credit to the generosity of the community in these difficult times.  This Christmas we focussed on the energy needs of vulnerable families and were able to provide substantial help due to the community’s generosity.  This was very much appreciated as this is a big expense and burden for these families especially. If you find yourself in need of assistance or support, SVP Mohill  on 087 – 6776391


Fasts and Feasts for Lent

Fast from judging others.  Feast on Christ living in them
Fast from Darkness.  Feast on the reality of light
Fast from anger. Feast on patience
Fast from bitterness. Feast on forgiveness
Fast from emphasis on difference.  Feast on the unity of life.
Fast from thoughts of sickness.  Feast on the healing hand of God.
Fast from worry.  Feast on the providence of God.
Fast from pessimism. Feast on optimism
Fast from negatives.  Feast on the affirmation.
Fast from complaining.  Feast on appreciation.

Money Matters

Offertory Collection ..€ 1,585