Sunday 7 April 20240
Mass Intentions
Sat 6 19.30 Bridie & Paddy Casey & DFM KIllashee
Margaret Woods
Maureen Fuchs, nee Kilrane
Sun 7 10.00 John & Kate McIntyre & DFM
Eslin 09.00 Thomas & Evelyn Reynolds, Leitrim Lower
Thur 1 10.00 James Ward & DFM
Sat 13 19.30 Bella Boyle, Treanmore
Noeleen Harkin, Breandrum
Sun 14 10.00
Gorvagh 09.00
Pray for Charlie Conboy, originally from Treanmore who died recently in Leeds
Mass Times April 13th & 14th
Sat April 13th — Mohill 7.30pm
Sun April 14th – Gorvagh 9.00am
Mohill 10.00am
Foxfield 11.30am
Weekday Masses—Mon to Fri 10am
Rosay after weekday Mass
Confession—Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill
First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.
Eucharistic Adoration
takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm.
Divine Mercy Sunday
Divine Mercy prayers at 3pm in St Patrick’s, Mohill on Sun April 7 followed by blessing of the Divine Mercy picture. Confessions at 2.15pm
Sacrament of the sick/healing
The Sacrament of the sick/healing will be celebrated on Sat April 13 at Mass in Mohill at 12,30pm. This is a Sacrament for anyone who is sick or feeling the effects of aging. Cup of tea in the Canon Donohoe hall afterwards. Please facilitate anyone who might want to attend
Clothing Collection
St Manchan’s N.S are holding a Clothing Collection. Bags of clean clothes, shoes, handbags, curtains, towels and soft toys can be dropped into the school from Monday 8th April.
Mohill Town Team meeting in Mohill Enterprise Centre Wednesday 10th April 6.30pm. Everyone welcome.
North Connacht & Ulster Citizens Information Service Leitrim will host a FREE
“Making a Will” event on Monday – 15th April 2024 @7pm
in the Landmark Hotel Carrick on Shannon.
This Presentation will be delivered by Justice Media award-winning journalist and legal trainer, Anne O’Carroll BCL. MA, of Cascade Training Consultancy.
Topics include: How to make a Will, What happens if you don’t make a Will, Providing for children and vulnerable relatives, How to reduce tax, Taking out probate and other related topics.
This free event is funded and supported by the Citizens Information Board
RHS Home Care
is a Non Commercial Home Care Provider bringing professional home care services to those who need assistance to remain living in their own homes. We are now recruiting new Healthcare Assistants in your area and would love to hear from you. Potential applicants must have the required QQI level 5 (two modules completed care skills and care of the older person). Please call Aoife 0906625988 or email you CV to
Mohill Community Network Group
A date for your Diary – Saturday 13th April at 11am. Meeting at Gala supermarket. Please join us for our Annual Spring Clean of the town. If you can spare half an hour/an hour it would all help!! Everyone can do something!! Please wear gloves & a High Viz. Thank you.
Mohill library & Mohill Historical Society
Connaught Rangers Association Exhibition are delighted to announce their new travelling exhibition will be on display in Mohill Library from Wednesday 17 April 24 for a duration of three weeks. This will be its first airing in public.
There will be an introductory talk on the exhibition and short film screening by Mr P J Maloney, Chairman Connaught Rangers Association at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 17 April. Light refreshments served.
Friday 19th April at 7pm
Padraig Griffin will give a talk on Policing at National and Local Level in Post Famine Ireland. Light refreshments served.
Money Matters
Offertory Collection €2,060
Thank you for your support.