February 4th 2024Mass Intentions
Sat 3 19.30 Pat Farrell, (1st anniv)
Johnny Duignan, Aughadrumderg
Alf, Maureen & Cormac Rowley
James McGivney
Sun 4 10.00 Helena O’Neill, (1st anniv),Breandrum
Eileen Kelly & DFM
Eslin 09.00
Mon 5 10.00 Fr Edward Ryans
Fri 9 10.00 John & Mary Doyle, Drumdart
Sat 10 19.30 Ella McLoughlin, Drumgowan
Michael & Annie Kate Moran & DFM Drumcolligan
Sun 11 10.00 James Foley (1st anniv)
Elizabeth Tiernan, Finiskill
John McHugh, Twickenham
Gorvagh 09.00
Confession—Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill
First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.
Weekday Mass times—Mon to Fri 10am
Eucharistic Adoration
takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm
Pastoral council meeting this Tues, Feb 6 at 7pm in the Parochial house, Mohill
Mass Times Feb 10th & 11th
Sat Feb 10rd— Mohill 7.30pm
Sun Feb 11th —Gorvagh 9.00am
Mohill 10.00am
Foxfield 11.30am
Study Theology Online, is this for you?
The Priory Institute provides online Theology courses to degree level. Attend Saturday lectures in Tallaght or from the comfort of your own home. Register before February 14. Find out more
Pope Francis
Yet there is an appropriate kind of anger, which consists in righteous indignation before evil and injustice. As with all the passions, so too with anger: it is up to us, with the sustaining grace of the Holy Spirit, to govern and direct our emotions in order to serve God’s kingdom of reconciliation, justice and peace.
St Manchan’s N.S
Enrolment for School year 2024 – 2025 is now open. Please email or call into the school for an Admission Form.
5 Step Support Service
Are you affected by the misuse of alcohol or other drugs by another individual ?
5 Step Support can help you; it is a free , non-judgemental, one – one consultation service.
Putting your needs and wellbeing first , helping you manage often stressful , difficult and emotional issues . If you would like further information please contact
071 9150578 / 085 875 9319 You don’t have to be addicted to suffer from addiction!
The ICA will hold their AGM on Tuesday 6 February at 8pm in Canon Donohoe Hall. New members are welcome.
Seeing your life through the Lens of the Gospels
This passage tells three stories to illustrate the various dimensions of the life and ministry of Jesus. There is food for thought in each of them. The first story (vv. 29-31) is one of healing. You might reflect on times when you were sick in body, mind or spirit and someone was a ‘Jesus person’ to you, someone who ‘took you by the hand and lifted you up’. Remember them with gratitude. Have there been times also when you did this for others? The second story (vv. 32-34) adds another dimension. People are freed from demons. Have you had the experience of being freed from demons that imprisoned you: fear, anxiety, guilt, low self-esteem, addictions, bitterness, etc.? What was it like for you to get that freedom? Who were the ‘Jesus people’ who helped to free you? The third story (vv. 35-39) has a number of different elements we can consider a) Jesus goes off to a desert place to pray. After a hectic day he felt the need for quiet to ground himself once more. In the busyness of life how do you keep in touch with what is going on inside yourself? How do you keep in touch with God? Where do you find your ‘deserted place’? What difference does it make for you when you do succeed in taking time out? b) Jesus shows himself as a person seeking to break new ground. The disciples want him to continue ministry where he is. He wants to move on. What has been your experience of breaking new ground, moving beyond your comfort zone, or trying something you had not tried before? When has this had a life-giving effect for you?
Money Matters
Offertory Collection ..…..€1,525
Christmas dues………….€8,175