Sunday 30th June 2024-.
Mass Intentions
Sat 29 19.30 Gerry & Pauline McLoughlin
Kevin MaGuire (Gortfadda & USA) & DFM
Thomas McKeon, Leitrim upper
Daniel & Marie Doran
Sun 30 10.00 Katie McGovern & DFM
Mary Kennedy, Finiskill & Eileen Kennedy, Ohill
Peter Guckian, Gorvagh
Eslin 09.00 & Gorvagh 09.00
Sat 6 19.30 Gillian Conboy, Lisdadnan & DFM
Tom & Margaret Mulligan, Drumgarne
Sun 7 10.00 Sean Colreavy Ohill
Trish Gordon Treanmore
Elizabeth Mai Beirne, Station Rd
Bridie & Malachy Creegan Clooncoose
DM Creegan & Maguire families
15.00 All deceased followed by blessing of the graves.
Weekday Masses—Mon to Fri 10am
Rosary after weekday Mass
Confession—Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill
First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.
Eucharistic Adoration
takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm
Mass Times July 6th & 7th
Sat July 6th Mohill 7.30pm
Sun July 7th Eslin 9.00am
Mohill 10.00am
Foxfield 11.30am
First Friday
Next Friday is the First Friday with the usual arrangements for the sick and housebound.
House Painting
The pastoral council and Finance committee have decided that the outside of the two parish houses and surrounding buildings should be painted. Anyone who would like to put a quote in for this work, email the parish office at
Swimming Lessons at Keeldra Lake
Water Safety Ireland Annual Swimming and Life saving classes commence at Keeldra Lake on Monday 1st July, 2024 at 10.00am for two weeks. Enrolment will take place at the lake on Sunday 23rd June, from 4pm to 6pm. Please note there will be no Enrolment on the morning of the commencement of classes.
QQI Level 5 Computer Course – Starting September 2024
Are you looking to upskill, gain employment or access third level education? Then we have the course just for you. Mohill Computer Training are now enrolling for our full – time QQI Level 5 computer course. The course begins in September. Register now as places are limited.
Call 071 9632024 or email for more information.
Mohill Library
Tuesday 2nd July
Adult Guidance Education information sessions 12pm-4pm. Drop into the library for the free one-to-one clinics
Summer Stars is the free national reading programme for children that takes place in all public libraries each summer. It runs from 1st July – 31st August.
Join up today receive your free bag and read 6 books over the summer to get your star. Weekly prizes for book tokens, monthly family draws and overall prize of a bike.
Events in July
Family Board Game evenings every Tuesday from 5.30-6.30pm.
Art classes on Wednesday with Kate Murtagh Sheridan. Booking is essential
Yoga classes on Thursdays with Tara. Booking is essential.
Seeing your life through the
Lens of the Gospels
Like this woman, have you had the experience of a cure, an improvement, a success, after a long period of nothing happening? What was that like for you? What made the difference? On that occasion was there anything different in you, in others, in the circumstances – something that paved the way for the change or improvement? Who touched me?’ Jesus asked. It seems a strange request with crowds milling around. Many people brushed against him, but the woman made contact in a different way. The same can happen in our relationships. We brush against many people but make real contact only with a few. Who are the people you have touched, and who has touched you? What difference has this made to you and to them? Jesus said to the woman, ‘Your faith has made you well.’ What difference does it make to you that you have faith? In what ways does your faith make you well? When Jairus asked Jesus to come and cure his daughter, some thought there was no point. Sometimes a situation can look like a lost cause. Has it ever happened to you that subsequent events showed there was hope where you thought there was none? Some people have the gift of infusing new life and energy into individuals, or into groups, or into a cause. Perhaps you yourself have done this at times? Recall these experiences and the lessons you have learned from them.
Ministries for July 2024 |
Altar Society |
Geraldine Kennedy |
Eucharistic Ministers Saturday |
Marguerite Faughnan |
Eucharistic Minister Sunday |
Margaret Britton |
Readers Saturday |
Denis McGeoghan |
Readers Sunday |
Liam Ellis |
Collectors Saturday |
Peadar Flynn Harry McCrann, Pascal McKeon David Gordon |
Collectors Sunday |
Gerry Ellis, Gerry Walsh, Sean McGowan |
Offertory Collection
Last weekend ………….€1,705
Pentecost dues …………..€3,040
Thank you for your support