Sunday 22nd December 20240
Mass Intentions
Sat 21 19.30 DM Shanley family, Meelick
Tom Pat, Greta Early & DM of Early, Clark, Hamilton & Comer families
Sun 22 10,00 John Wynne (1 anniv) Michael & Eileen Wynne Gortavacan
Anne Meehan, Main St
Gorvagh 09.00 Mary Ann, Teresa & Jim Clyne & DFM Drumnid
Tues 24 19.30 Christmas Vigil Mass
Wed 25 10.00 Christmas morning
Eslin 09.00 Christmas morning
Thurs 26 1000 Laura McLoughlin
Fri 27 10.00 Elizabeth Quinn
Sat 28 19.30 Declan & Peggy McCrann & DFM, Hyde Terrace
Patcy Canning, Cassells & Egan DFM
Kathleen & Stephen Flynn, Tom & Margaret Jordan, & Sr Marius Flynn
Sun 29 11.30 Ambrose McCrann, Breandrum
Confessions after 7.30pm Mass on Sat during the season of Advent
Mass Times December 28th & 29th
Sat Dec 28th Mohill 7.30pm
Sun Dec 29th Mohill 10.00am
Fenagh 11.30am
Please pray for the repose of the soul of
Fr Eamonn Corkery served as curate in Mohill.
May he rest in peace.
Weekday Masses—Mon to Fri 10am
Rosary after weekday Mass
Confession—Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill
First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.
Eucharistic Adoration
takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm.
Christmas Masses
Mohill 7.30pm Christmas Eve
Eslin 9.00am Christmas Day
Mohill 10.00am Christmas Day Fenagh 11.30am Christmas Day
Confessions for Christmas
Mon Dec 23, Mohill at 7.30pm
Offertory Envelopes 2025
The Offertory envelopes for next year are being distributed over the coming weeks. Please do not use these until 1st January 2025.
Seeing your life through the Lens of the Gospels
The greeting of Elizabeth to Mary ‘Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb’ is a joyful welcome of the child to come. Bringing new life into the world through pregnancy and birth is one of the most awesome human experiences. How have you experienced this for yourself or in someone close to you? The image of the pregnant Mary going a distance to visit her cousin is a symbol of her willingness to look beyond her own needs to the needs of another. When have you witnessed that kind of generosity in others, or have been able to act in this way yourself? Mary is praised for her faith, because she believed the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled. In this she is a model for us. In what ways have you experienced blessings from your faith and trust in God’s promises? What are God’s promises that mean the most to you?
Bishop Paul Connell
When I was appointed bishop of Ardagh & Clonmacnois by Pope Francis last year, I chose Deus Spes Mea – God is my hope, as my episcopal motto. A motto is defined in the dictionary as a brief statement used to express a goal or ideal. I chose it for a number of reasons, but most especially because it expresses what is at the heart of our Christian faith. Its core message is that God overcomes all obstacles through the fire of hope. We live in a troubled world where all around us there is difficulty and pain, so much so that at times we are inclined to despair. What is needed in all of us, you and me, and all those who believe in Christ is that fire of hope. This is the gift that we give to others and pass on to our children. The people who have gone before us have left us a legacy of perseverance in the faith, keeping Christian hope alive in their time. Now is our turn to persevere, so that this same light of hope shines from us. We do not know what the future brings, but we do know that the flame of Christian hope can continue to burn brightly, even in the most difficult situations. The beauty of the Christmas message is the hope that is found in this weak and vulnerable Christ child who has come to save us. We are reminded of the love that God has for each of us, that He is a kind and merciful God. We are reminded that despite the darkness that engulfs our world today, especially in the Holy Land, the light of hope, of faith will endure.I wish every one of you a blessed, peaceful Christmas, full of the joy and peace that the Christ child brings into our lives.
Money Matters
Offertory Collection ..€1,550