Sunday 19th January 2025
Mass Intentions
Sat 18 19.30 Jim Boyle & DFM, St Patrick’s View
Margaret & Paddy Bohan, Treanmore
Paric & Alice Moran, & DFM Shannagh
Marie Sheridan (2nd Anniv)
Sun 19 10.00 Hugh Colreavy
Eslin 09.00
Sat 25 19.30 Teresa Gildea nee Beck, MM
Paddy & Kathleen Conboy, Lisdadnan
Bernie Faughnan & DFM
Mary Cathriona Gallagher & DFM, Drumcolligan
Kevin McGuire, Killamaun & USA
Joe Conway Ballinamore Road
Joe & Breda Flynn
Tommy & Maisie Flynn, Drumlowan
Sun 26 10.00 Lisa Bohan, McLoughra
Gorvagh 9.00
We pray for Tommy McCaffrey, Cornee whose funeral took place during the week
Mass Times January 25th & 26th
Sat Jan 25th Mohill 7.30pm
Sun Jan 26th Gorvagh 9.00am
Mohill 10.00am
Fenagh 11.30am
Weekday Masses—Mon to Fri 10am
Rosary after weekday Mass
Confession—Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill
First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.
The Jubilee Prayer
Father in heaven,
may the faith you have given us
in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,
and the flame of charity enkindled
in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
reawaken in us the blessed hope
for the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us
into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos
in the sure expectation
of a new heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,
your glory will shine eternally.
Eucharistic Adoration
takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm.
5 Step Support Service
Are you affected by the misuse of alcohol or other drugs by another individual 5 Step Support can help you; it is a free, non-judgemental, one – one consultation service.
Putting your needs and well-being first, helping you manage often stressful, difficult and emotional issues If you would like further information contact 071 9150578 / 085 875 9319 or
You don’t have to be addicted to suffer from addiction!
Enrolment is now open for St Manchan’s N.S for Junior Infants for school year 2025-2026. Admission forms can be downloaded from the website or email the school at for a form.
Study Theology Online
is this for you? The Priory Institute provides online Theology courses to degree level. Attend Saturday lectures in Tallaght or from the comfort of your own home. Register before Feb 11th. Find out more on our website,
Public Meeting
Were you affected by the recent electricity and water outages following the storm, if so come along to a public meeting on Thurs 23rd Jan at 7pm in The Den, Swanlinbar Rd., (Sports Complex) Ballinamore, have your say and hear what others have to say. This meeting is organised by Leitrim PPN and will have an independent facilitator. All community groups invited to attend
Seeing your life through the Lens of the Gospels
The story is a story of abundance, the abundance of the blessings God gives us. How have you been aware of the abundance of God’s blessings? Let the memories lead you to prayer of thanks and praise for the times in your life when that joy and fulfilment have been very real to you.
The hour of Jesus had not yet come when the glory of God would be fully revealed, yet even so something of the glory of God was revealed in the sign that took place. For us also the revelation of the full glory of God lies in the future, but we do get glimpses along the way. Recall some of the signs that have revealed to you something of the glory of God, e.g., nature, art, friendship, etc.
Mary/Jesus. It is interesting to note that despite the apparent rebuff, Mary is the first person in the narrative to show (at the level of the action of the story) that the correct response to the presence of Jesus is to trust in him. When have you trusted in the word of Jesus like that? What relationships do you have that you can trust like that? Do you recall times when your trust was rewarded even when you had been initially disappointed?
Money Matters
Offertory Collection ..€2,045