
February 18th 2024

                           Mass Intentions

Sat 17   19.30              Jim Boyle MM, St Patrick’s View

                                            Nelly,James & Aidan Foley, Drumard

Sun 18  10.00                                                                     

Eslin     09.00                                                                       

Wed 21 15.00              Confirmation                                 

Fri   23   10.00                Johnny, Mamie & Anthony Campbell

Sat  24  19.30               Mike Joe Ward, Rosharry (1 anniv)

                                      James & Eileen Kennedy Ohill

                                    Peggy McCrann & DFM

                                    Phyllis Reilly & DFM, Drumboy

                                    Isabel Heeran, Castle St

                                    Kevin & Liz Kelly, Killamaun

Sun 25  10.00                                                                                                             

Gorvagh 09.00               Matthew, Kathleen & John Patrick Bohan, Lobbyeslin

                                    Charlie & Ann Flynn,

                                    Joe Flynn, Clones

                                    Mai Beirne, Station Road



—Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill

 First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.

Weekday Masses during Lent

Mohill 7.30am & 10am


Mass Times Feb 24th & 25th

Sat Feb 24th —  Mohill 7.30pm

Sun Feb 25th —Gorvagh 9.00am

                            Mohill 10.00am

                          Foxfield 11.30am


Eucharistic Adoration

takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm 


Mohill library 

Saturday 24th February at 11am author Nuala O’Connor will be reading from her book ‘Nora’ and engaging with a Q&A with the audience. T/C served. Call into the library and pick up the book if you wish to read it.

Throughout February and especially on Ireland reads day, February 24th, we’re calling on people across Ireland to get lost in a good book. It doesn’t matter what you read, where you read or how well you read, as long as you read.


Volunteers Needed

Would you be willing to provide companionship visit or make friendly calls to Older People once a week for an hour or two? ALONE are seeking volunteers in your area. Full training and support provided. If interested please sign up here: 


 Mohill Historical Society

 ‘Fought Till Death’: The Arigna valley through Revolution and Civil War.  By Oisín Ó Drisceoil Friday 23rd February at 7pm, Mohill Library.


Desktop Publishing Course – Starting February 26th 2024

Mohill Computer Training is now accepting registrations for its part-time 4-week QQI Level 4 Desktop Publishing course. Ideal for new and intermediate computer users preparing for employment or simply looking to upskill.  Learn to create stunning publications such as Logos, Business Cards, Invitations, Flyers and Newsletters, using advanced formatting and graphics tools. Register today by calling (071) 9632024 or by emailing Feargal at   Places are limited.


Seeing your life through the  Lens of the Gospels 

Jesus he is about to start his public ministry. Mark tells us this was preceded by a deep inner struggle when his resolve to take on his God-given mission was tested. Recall important decisions in your own life. Were they accompanied by struggle and doubt? Who were the angels who supported you at that time? Give thanks for them. Such periods of anxiety may seem like wilderness experiences at the time. Later, with hindsight, we may see them as being good for us. Perhaps, like Jesus, you recall a time when the Spirit of God led you into the wilderness to be tested and after the experience you had a clearer sense of your own identity or your purpose in life. Repent and believe the good news was the heart of the message of Jesus. It was not a call to penance but to a change of heart, a change of attitude, leading to a change in behaviour. The kingdom of God is a kingdom of right relationships: with God, with one another, with creation, with ourselves. It is a change that leads to a fuller life. When have you found that a change in your attitude towards God, others, yourself, or the world around you, has led you to a more fulfilled or more fruitful life? There is an immediacy about the call of Jesus: ‘the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near’. Recall when you had a realisation that NOW was the moment of opportunity – for a change in your life, for a spiritual renewal, or a time to give a wholehearted yes to life. At this moment to what do you believe you are invited to say ‘yes’?


Eslin Tea Party

Annual tea party on Fri Feb 23, tickets €10 on sale at the door on the night


 .Money Matters

Offertory Collection .€1,630


 Thank you for your support.