
Sunday 16th June 2024






Mass Intentions

Sat 15  19.30                                               

Sun 16 10.00       Michael Crossan, Glebe St

Eslin     09.00      Pat, Josephine & Angela Stenson

Sat  22    19.30    Liam Banahan MM, Garadice

                                        Bryan Spratt (1st Anniv)

                                        Paddy Keating (20th Anniv)

                                        Monica & Celine Keating

                                        DM Wynne family, Drumrahill

Sun 23 10.00                      Maureen McNabola, Corlea (2nd anniv)

                                           Gorvagh 9.00                 Packie Joe & Mona Cafferty Drumlowan     

                                                        Mary Ewing & Michael Joseph Heeran


Weekday Masses—Mon to Fri 10am

Rosary after weekday Mass

Confession—Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill

 First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.


Eucharistic Adoration

takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm


Mass Times June 22nd & 23rd  

Sat June 22nd       Mohill  7.30pm

Sun June 23rd –     Gorvagh    9.00am

                               Mohill 10.00am

                                Foxfield 11.30am


Parish Pastoral Council meeting on Wed June 26 at 7pm in the Parochial house, Mohill

Cemetery Sunday

Sun July 7, Mass at 3pm in the Church with blessing of graves afterwards


‘Day for Life’: a dedicated day celebrating the beauty and dignity of all human life

Day for Life Sunday is celebrated annually with a special message by the Catholic Church across Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales.  It is a day specifically dedicated to raising awareness and reflecting on the deep value and meaning of human life at every stage, and in every condition.  On Sunday 16 June, the Church will mark Day for Life 2024 with a message on the theme: The Lord is my shepherd – Compassion and Hope at the End of Life.

This year’s message reminds us that Jesus did not send the sick away, rather He showed that life always has dignity and that there is no such a thing as a useless life.  Catholics are called to defend this gift of life to its natural end and to protect vulnerable citizens from a culture that could pressure them into assisted suicide.

 In this way, we are encouraged to support people with the companionship of a listening ear, appropriate treatment, and the best of care, so that their last days can be times of grace, intimacy and love.


North West STEM Fest 

Mr Math Weeney is running THE creative experience for teens in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths again this summer. It’s suitable for boys and girls of all abilities aged 12 to 17.  From 10am to 3pm each day.

Carrigallen – 22nd to 26th July 

Ballinamore  – 22nd to 26th July 

Ballinamore  – 29th July to Aug 2nd 

Cost €129 with discounts available 

Contact Seán on 089 9596278 for more details.


We pray for healthcare professionals – that, even when a cure is no longer possible, they may continue to provide gentle and life-affirming care for all their patients. Lord hear us


We pray for those who form public policy and who enact our laws – that in their efforts to serve the common good, they may always have in mind the inherent dignity of every human person, which is not the gift of society, but the gift of a loving

Seeing your life through the Lens of the Gospels

If you sow seeds, or watch plants grow, you have ample opportunities to pause in wonder at the whole process of growth. It takes place imperceptibly and comes to fruition in beautiful flowers, majestic trees and abundant harvests.    Jesus uses this example from everyday observation to teach about the growth of the Kingdom of God, the kingdom of right relationships with God and with one another. There too growth is slow, development is imperceptible, and then without realising it you have a mature relationship. Recall the stages of such development in your life of faith and in your friendships and give thanks.   In the second parable Jesus invites us to reflect on the importance and significance of relationships in our lives as they grow and mature. This is true both of our relationship with God and with others around us. When have you found a relationship in which you could ‘make a nest in its shade’?


We pray for all who are faced with degenerative or terminal illness –  that they may experience the healing presence of Christ in the care of those who accompany them day by day


 Money Matters

Offertory Collection €1,630

Thank you for your support