
Sunday 10th March 2024



Mass Intentions

Sat 9     19.30                Elaine May (nee Reilly) 1st anniv

                                        Caroline Moran & DFM

Sun 10     10.00            Eleanor Goodwin

                               Vasilievna Solovieva

Gorvagh 09.00                                                                               

Tues 12    10.00                Francis & Kathleen Moran Gubadruish

Wed 13    10.00                    Elaine May (nee Reilly)

Sat 16       19.30                Francis O’Neill, 1st anniv Gortletteragh

                           Pauric Cassells, (1st anniv)

Sun 17   10.00                DM Beirne Family, Townymore

                                         Tommy Keville, Trean

Eslin        09.00                                                           



Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill

 First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.

Weekday Masses during Lent

Mohill 7.30am & 10am


Mass Times March 16th & 17th

Sat March 16th  —    Mohill 7.30pm

Sun March 17th   –   Eslin  9.00am

                                      Mohill 10.00am

                                         Foxfield 11.30am


Eucharistic Adoration

takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm


Pastoral Council

 meeting this Tues, March 12 at 7pm in the parochial house, Mohill


Prayer Service for Peace

People all over the world are suffering because of war and violence. As we prepare to celebrate the feast of our patron Saint Patrick, a prayer service will take place on Fri, March 15 at 7.30pm in St Patrick’s Church, Mohill. Followed by a cup of tea in the Canon Donohoe hall


A missionary group from Bethlehem ,

 The Holy Land will be visiting our Parish this weekend to briefly talk about the Holy Land and  to sell religious articles ( Crucifixes , Rosary Beads and Plaques ) made out of olive wood in Bethlehem to help and support the poor Christians families , any help you could give them it will be highly appreciated .


Mohill library

Come celebrate Seachtain na Gaelige with an art exhibition based on the book ‘Brian O ’Lynn’ by Fionnuala Maxwell & Kate Murtagh Sheridan from March 1st – 22nd. Pop in to view. Lovely scavenger hunt to accompany the art works. 


Every Wednesday  Citizens Information drop in clinic 3-4pm. No appointment needed. 

Leitrim Adult Educational Guidance Service Walk in Information Clinic

Tuesday March 12th 12-4pm  

Harp & Song Recital Friday 15th March at 7pm Claire Roche will sing accompanied by the harp to start off St. Patrick’s weekend. Included will be a selection of W.B Yeats poems set to music.


ACCORD needs volunteers 

ACCORD Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG is currently recruiting volunteers to train as marriage preparation programme facilitators.

  • If you have a positive attitude towards marriage in the Catholic Church
  • If you have the enthusiasm to be part of the Accord team in supporting

couples who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage

Accord wants to hear from you!

Successful applicants will receive professional training and will be part of a team delivering marriage preparation programmes locally.

Contact Aisling on 01 505 3112 or by email to


The Trócaire Lenten Appeal

this year aims to highlight the challenges faced by families in Malawi due to the effects of climate change in the southern African country. Please Support.



 The Catholic Bishops of Ireland,

echo Pope Francis’ heartfelt appeal for a complete ceasefire in Gaza – ‘Enough, please! Let us all say it: enough…Stop!’

Stop the War! In saying this, we join with many in our parishes, together with all people of goodwill, in demanding an immediate end to the daily horror of killing, wounding and destruction of property and infrastructure there.  


In this Season of Lent, we Christians prepare for the celebration of the Paschal Mystery of Christ’s Death and Resurrection, as Muslims prepare for the Season of Ramadan and Jews prepare for the celebration of Passover.  We urge people to continue praying and fasting for the intention of peace.  In praying for peace in the land of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, we remember in a special way the small but vibrant Christian communities in Palestine.  An ideal way of showing solidarity at this time is to support Trócaire’s  Gaza appeal on


We implore Almighty God and Jesus, who is the Light of the world, to shine a light into the terrible darkness that envelops the region that we call the Holy Land.  In the face of despair, we renew our prayers for a just and lasting peace that respects justice and the dignity of all peoples.




Money Matters  

Offertory Collection .€1,750 

 Thank you for your support.