
Sunday 27th October 2024





Mass Intentions

                                                                                               Sat 26    19.30  Patrick Mary & Jimmy Moore   Cappagh                                           

                                      Michael Woods

                                                                                       Michael & Mary KIlrane  &   Michael Mulligan

                   Sun 27   10.00  Frank & Moira Cafferty

Gorvagh  0.900                       

       Mon 28      10.00   Tony Blackburn

                                   Fri  1       10.00  Thomas Patrick McHugh, main st

                                      Sat 2      10.00 Jeremiah & Nora O’Callaghan & DFM

                                      19.30 Jim & Maura Foy Treanmore

                                                                                             DM McGuire, Murphy Faughnan &  Mulligan families

                                        Mary Rogers Main St

Sun 3 10.00     Jim O’Brien

Eslin 09.00                         Jim & Rosaleen Foley &  Thomas Conlon


Fri Nov 1, All Saints Day

Holy Day of Obligation, Mass Thurs evening at 7,30pm in Mohill, Fri morning at 10am in Mohill and Fri evening in Fenagh at 7pm


Sat Nov 2, All Soul’s day

Mass Sat morning in Mohill at 10am, Confessions after Mass 


Mass Times November 2nd & 3rd 

                Sat Nov 2nd   Mohill            7.30pm

           Sun Nov 3rd   Eslin        9.00am   

                                 Mohill    10.00am

                                             Fenagh            11.30am


First Friday

Next Friday is the First Friday with the usual arrangements for the sick and housebound.



Please pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Smullen, whose funeral took place during the week, May she rest in peace,

Aid to the Church in Need


On the weekend of the 2nd &  3rd of November next, we will welcome Davide Barbieri, Diocesan Liaison Officer with Aid to the Church in Need (Ireland), to speak on behalf of ACN Ireland at all Masses in the parish and take up a collection during his visit. As a Catholic charity, ACN supports the faithful wherever they are persecuted, oppressed or in need, through information, prayer, and action.

Today, ACN supports almost 6,000 projects around the world focusing on humanitarian assistance, pastoral care, evangelisation, and support for persecuted Christians. As an example, one in every ten student priests in the world is now supported by the generous benefactors of ACN.

Life in the Spirit Seminars

St Brigid’s Church, Drumcong, Co Leitrim. N41 CK74 starting on Thurs 10th October to

21st November @ 8pm daily.

Speakers include John Pridmore, Frank McGuinness, Marie Beirne, Fr John Keane, Patricia Kelly, Agnes Cormack.


Please come and enjoy a special encounter with Jesus.


Dyslexia Awareness Month Ballinamore Library will hold a talk by Mary McDonald  Date: Tuesday 29th October

Time: 7pm 

Venue: Ballinamore Library.


Eucharistic Adoration

takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm.

Weekday Masses—Mon to Fri 10am

Rosary after weekday Mass

Confession—Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill

 First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.


Ministries for November 2024

Altar Society

 Mary Mahon

Maura Baxter 

Eucharistic Ministers Saturday

 Mary Beirne

Eucharistic Ministers Sunday

 Betty Bradshaw

Readers Saturday

 Helen Foy

Readers Sunday

Des Duignan

Collectors Saturday

Peadar Flynn

Harry McCrann, Pascal McKeon

David Gordon

Collectors Sunday

 Gerry Ellis, Mena McCaffrey

Gerry Walsh, Sean McGowan


 Money Matters

Offertory Collection ..€1,680