
Sunday 8 December 2024




                               Mass Intentions


Sat 7        10,00    John & Tish Gordan, John Reynolds, 

                        19.30       James (Jim) Boyle (1st anniv)                    

                                                  Sean Reynolds, Drumhanny                               

         Paddy Kelly, Ardlougher

Peter Mahon Luton

                                                              James, Ann, Liam  & Padraig Guckian &  Maura Conaty

                 Sun 8 10.00       DM Beirne family LIsdadnan &   Teresa McKenna

Wed 11  10.00   Ray Creamer                                                

Sat 14   19.30   Bavushka Vasiliavno                                 

                                                           John, Rose, Pat, Sean & Nicholas                                                                                                                             Reynolds Corrick                     

                           Ray Creamer                                                   

Sun 15  10.00                                                                      

Eslin        9.00                                                                        


The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Mon Dec 9)

Masses, Mohill 10am, Fenagh 11,30am & Mohill 7,30pm



Mass Times December  14th & 15th

Sat Dec 14th                     Mohill                 7.30pm

                                                                 Sun Dec 15th                    Eslin        9.00am                                                                                                                                                      Mohill   10.00am                                      

                                      Fenagh    11.30am


Pastoral & Finance Council Meeting

Tues Dec 10 at 7pm in the Parochial house, Mohill. Decision on building proposal to be made

Enrolment Ceremonies

First Confessions & Holy Communion, Sun Dec 8 at 10am Mass



 Weekday Masses—Mon to Fri 10am

Rosary after weekday Mass

Confession—Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill

 First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.

Eucharistic Adoration

takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm.


SVP Christmas Appeal

The annual St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal takes place at Masses in Mohill, Gorvagh, Eslin, next weekend (December 14th / 15th). Christmas, with its extra financial burdens, can be a very stressful time for many families and individuals in difficult circumstances. Your support is vital to enable SVP to make Christmas a time to remember for everyone. Please support generously and help people in need in your local area. 

Clothing Collection

St Manchan’s National School clothing collection ends Friday 13th December.  Please leave bags of clean clothes, shoes, curtains, handbag and towels at the front or back door of the school  during school hours. Your support is appreciated.


Sweet Spirit Gospel Singers

Join Tish Dunleavy & the Sweet Spirit Country Gospel Singers in the Dock Theatre, Carrick on Shannon on Thursday 12th December 2024 at 8pm for an evening of beautiful songs from ‘Oh Happy Day’, ‘Abeline’, ‘Lucky old Sun’ to a beautiful aria ‘Song to the Moon’ from the opera Rusalka along with the usual Christmas favourites – ‘O’Holy Night’ ‘Silent Night’ ‘Drummer Boy-Peace on Earth’ and many many more favourites. Contact the Dock Tel (071) 9650828 or online booking at

Confessions after 7.30pm Mass on Sat during the season of Advent


The Marian Movement of Priest REGIONAL CENACLE, Wednesday,  December 11th in Our Lady of Mount Carmel church, Roosky. Holy Rosary, Confession and holy Hour starts at 7pm. Holy Mass at 8pm. All welcome.


Hedge Cutting Grant Scheme
This scheme is now open and aims to encourage the cutting of roadside hedges/trees along the Public Road Network. Open to all, individual applicants, communities and groups. The Grant is €75 per km (with a min of 1km per applicant). A new additional Grant of €50 per 10 trees per km has been introduced to encourage the cutting of dangerous overhanging tree canopies/branches along the public road network (This would be a maximum of €125 per km). Further information and application forms are available from Leitrim County Councils website  or by contacting the Roads Department by e-mail: or Telephone 071 9620005  Ext. 630. Closing Date is 31st January 2025.


Money Matters

Offertory Collection ..€1,560