
Psalm Sunday 2 April 2023

Mass Intentions

Sat 1  20.00 Mary Lattimore (1st anniv) 

Elizabeth Gallagher & DFM Drumcolligan

Fr Jim McNulty & 

James & Elizabeth McNulty

Sun 2  10.30 Eddie Manning (1st anniv)

Mon 3 10.00 Margaret & James Courtney & DFM

Sat 8 20.00 Easter Vigil

Sun 9 10.30 John & Rose Dolan Coolabawn 

DM of the Barry Family, Gorvagh

Bella Boyle, Treanmore (1st anniv)


Stations of the Cross

Every Friday evening at 8pm during Lent in St Patrick’s Church, Mohill 


Sat evening 7pm—Mohill Church

Weekday Mass – During Lent

Mon to Fri-7.30am & 10am 

First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass

Eucharistic Adoration

takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm—Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 5.45pm


Please pray for the repose of the souls of Francis O’Neill, Gortletteragh & May Blake Greenaun whose funerals took place recently. May they rest in peace.


Holy Week 

Wed April 5th

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) 8pm, St Patrick’s Church Mohill 

Holy Thurs April 6th

 Mass of the Lord’s supper 8pm, St Patrick’s Church, Mohill – Church will be open until 12 midnight for prayer at the Altar of repose 

Good Fri April 7th 

Day of Fast and Abstinence – celebration of the Lord’s Passion 3pm, St Patrick’s Church Mohill – Stations of the Cross 8pm, St Patrick’s Church Mohill 

Holy Sat April 8th

Confessions 12noon to 1pm

Easter Vigil 8pm, St Patrick’s Church Mohill 

Easter Sun April 9th

Mass in Eslin 9am, Gorvagh 9.30am and Mohill 10.30am 

First Friday 

Sick and housebound will be visited at the usual times on Good Friday 

Offertory Collection …………… €1,740