Newsletter 21 May - Feast of Ascension of our LordMass Intentions
Sat 20 – 20.00
Tom & Brigid McLoughlin Drumgowna
Willie & Eileen Beirne, Rosduan
Joe Moran & DFM Drumrahill
Sun 21 – 10.30
Sat 27 – 20.00
Greta & Tom Pat Earley & DFM
Henry, Nora & Martha McGivney
Cissy & Tommy McCrann & DFM, Hyde Terrace
Sun 28 – 10.30
Kevin Casey, & DFM
Mai & Paddy Logan & DFM Main St
Christy McCaffrey
Divine Word Mission Appeal
Fr Pat Byrne SVD, will preach at Mass on Sat May 27 at 8pm and Sun May 28 at 10.30am in Mohill. Envelopes will be available for people to make contributions to the appeal.
Sat evening 7pm—Mohill Church
First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass
Eucharistic Adoration
takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm—Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 5.45pm
Cemetery Sunday
Will take place on Sunday July 2. Mass at 3pm and blessing of graves afterwards
Charismatic Day of Renewal
Sat May 27, 2023 at Emmanuel house of providence, Clonfert, Co Galway H53 E5N6, starting at 10am
Padre Pio Healing Mass
You are warmly invited by our Parish Pastoral Council and community to join with us for our annual Padre Pio Healing Mass in Saint Patrick’s Church, Ballinamore, on Thursday 25th May at 7.00pm. Br. Bryan Shortall, National Director of Padre Pio Ministry, and Br. James Connolly will attend.There will be individual blessings after the Mass with Relics of St. Pio.
Many healings have been attributed to the intercession of Saint Pio and large crowds always attend the healing Masses dedicated to his life.
Everyone Welcome.
Eslin Bike Day
Cycle to and around Eslin on Sun May 21 at 4.30pm. Refreshments will be served
Mohill Historical Society
presents a talk by Fiona Slevin on “Doing Business in Mohill in 1873” on Friday 26th May at 18.30pm in Mohill Enterprise Centre Knockalongford, Mohill, N41 Y4C0. Cost €5 for non -members. Tea/coffee will be served.
Willow Weaving Classes
Willow Weaving classes. LAPWD Action Ability Centre 5 Week Course 10am-1pm commencing Tues 16th May Limited availability Cost €30 Ring 071 9651000 to book your place
Relics of St. Oliver Plunkett
will visit The Conaty Chapel of the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre in Cavan on Tuesday 23 May 2023 with the kind support of the Knights of St. Columbanus. The relics will arrive at the Centre at 10:00a.m. and will be available for veneration until 10:00p.m. that evening. There will be a lunchtime Mass in the Chapel at 1:15p.m. (being offered for those doing exams at this time), an early-evening Mass at 5:45p.m., and one at 8:00p.m. celebrated by Bishop Martin Hayes. There will be opportunities for Confessions throughout the day. Petitions/Donations may be sent to the St. Oliver Plunkett Novena, Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cullies, Cavan H12 E5C7. All petitions received will be placed beside the relics as they rest in the Chapel. All are welcome for this very special event.
Seeing you life through the Lens of the Gospels
Jesus meets the disciples for the last time. His final words give them direction for their future. Perhaps you can recall such parting moments in your own life – leaving home, school, college, or the death of a loved one. Was there an occasion when the words spoken to you gave you direction for the future? Perhaps you can identify with Jesus in the story, when as a parent, teacher, or in some other way you sent someone on his/her way in life, knowing that you would not be with him or her as in the past. When did the way you parted help the other to make his or her way in life? Despite this extraordinary encounter with Jesus some of the disciples doubted. Dealing with questions and doubt is part of an adult faith journey. How have your questions and doubts helped to shape the faith you have today? Jesus commissioned this collection of believing and doubting disciples to carry on his work. We inherit that mission today. How do you see yourself as commissioned to continue the mission of Jesus?
Jesus told his disciples that although he would not be physically with them, he would be with them in a new way right through life. Have there been times when you were reassured by the love and support of another even though s/he was not physically present with you?
Money Matters
Offertory Collection … €1,555
Thank you for your continued support