October 22ndMass Intentions
Sat 21 20.00 Jim & Bridie McHugh, Bunnybeg
Kathleen & Bill Andrews Main St
Evie McNabola
Michael Woods
Chris Reynolds & DFM
Sun 22 10.30 John James McKeon MM
Mary McKeon Ard na Si (1st anniv)
Moira & Frank Cafferty, Drumlowan
Paul Greenan & DFM
Kathleen & Stephen Flynn
Tues 24 10.00 Thomas Patrick McHugh
Thurs 25 10.00 Brigid Alice Baxter, Townyeely
Anne & Katie O’Rourke
Sat 28 20.00 Patrick, Mary & Jimmy Moore
Francis & Bridie McHugh & DFM, Attymanus
Mary Rogers Main St
Patrick McPartland, Coolabawn
Sun 29 10.30 Bridget (Delia) Gralton
Lawrence, Gerard & Tom Gralton
First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.
Eucharistic Adoration
takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 5.45pm
We welcome into the Christian Community Shay Michael Heslin, Mullydrumman and Anna McDermott Wynne, Cnoc na Greine who were both baptised recently,
Please pray for the repose of the souls of Fran McGuinness, Hyde St and Patrick Bohan Adoon whose funerals took place recently. May they rest in peace.
Word Processing Course
Starting Monday, 23rd October 2023 Mohill Computer Training at the Mohill Enterprise Centre is now accepting registrations for its part-time 4-week QQI Level 4 Word Processing course. Ideal for new and intermediate computer users preparing for employment or simply looking to upskill. Learn to create stunning documents using advanced formatting, graphics and shortcuts. Register by calling (071) 9632024 or by email
Eslin Community Association
are holding their annual AGM on 20th November at 9.00pm.
Clothing Collection
Will take place in Eslin Community Centre on 15th November. Please leave bags at the door of the centre. Your support is appreciated.
Christmas Events Brochure for Mohill
Mohill Family Support Centre is planning to issue a Christmas Events and Activities Brochure for Mohill and District. The cut off point for entering information in it is Wednesday, November 1. The cost is €5 per item to be inserted. Please e-mail your entry to the following e-mail address: or drop your note into the Office at the Canon Donohoe Hall. For any queries, please phone 071 9631253.
Fr Nigel will be on holidays from Mon Oct 16 until Sun Oct 29. You can contact Fr Joseph at 089 9657348
Eslin & Gorvagh
No Mass in Eslin & Gorvagh this weekend
Mohill library
Free mobility classes with Dillon Keane Fitness starting Friday 20th October for 4 weeks. Booking is essential. Please ring or email the library to book on 071 9631360 or
Community Information Fair
on Thursday 26th October from 11.00am to 2.00pm at The Landmark Hotel, Carrick on Shannon.The aim of the event is to inform people of the services and activities that are available in their areas. All welcome. Health checks, Food Served.
Organised by Leitrim County Council Healthy Ireland, An Gardaí, Leitrim Development Co & Leitrim PPN (Public Participation Network)
Cake Sale
Eivers Lane Trick or Treat Cake Sale on Friday, October 27, in the Canon Donohoe Hall at 4.15pm. All donations to Crumlin, Temple Street, Tallaght and Connolly Hospitals. We appreciate your support.
Money Matters
Offertory Collection .. €1,510