January 21st 2024Mass Intentions
Sat 20 19.30 Alice (1 Anniv) & Pauric Moran
Frank & Brigid Early, Tawlaught Beg
Sun 21 10.00 Hugh Colreavy
Marie Sheridan (1 Anniv) Cornee
Eslin 09.00
Mon 22 10.00 Catriona McLoughlin Tawlaughtbeg
Tues 23 10.00 Mary King, nee Prendergast, Formerly from Hyde Terrace, funeral in England today
Sat 27 19.30 Rose Mulligan MM & John Mulligan Laheenamona
Mary Catriona Gallagher, Drumcolligan
Bernie Faughnan & DFM
Muriel & Joe Gilchrist, Drumdart & DFM
Thomas Doyle, Gorvagh
John Bradshaw, Mohill
Sun 28 10.00 Lisa Bohan McLoughra
Gorvagh 09.00
Confession—Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill
First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.
Weekday Mass times—Mon to Fri 10am
Eucharistic Adoration
takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm
Pastoral Council meeting on Tues Jan 23 at 7pm in the Parochial house, Mohill
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Jim Boyle, St Patrick’s View whose funeral took place during the week. Bernie Whittaker, nee Gordon formerly Treanmore who died recently in Luton. May they rest in peace.
Weekend Mass times for Jan 27 & 28
Sat Jan 27— Mohill 7.30pm
Sun Jan 28—Gorvagh 9.00am
Mohill 10.00am
Foxfield 11.30am
We are always in need of people to volunteer to help out at Mass. If you would like to read or take up the Offertory Collection or help out in any way please contact Fr Nigel.
Study Theology Online, is this for you?
The Priory Institute provides online Theology courses to degree level. Attend Saturday lectures in Tallaght or from the comfort of your own home. Register before February 14. Find out more
Pioneer National Ball
Calling Pioneers and Friends to the 25th Pioneer National Ball. An evening of celebration and fun on Saturday April 6th 2024. Mass at 6pm in the Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar, followed by special guest speaker, dinner, music and dancing at the Annebrook House Hotel, Mullingar. Extra activities on Friday night and Saturday and Sunday afternoons. For details/ tickets contact Dermot Fagan 085-7201646 or Daisy Carey 087-6544626
Mohill library
presents Fionnuala Maxwell and the Leitrim Larks with Special Guests The Cat’s Meow. Wednesday 31st January 7..00pm.
All welcome
Offertory Envelopes
The new Offertory Envelopes have been distributed. Please contact the Parochial house if you have not received a box.
Seeing your life through the Lens of the Gospels
‘The time is fulfilled’ – this is a decisive moment in the life of Jesus. His public ministry is about to begin. Recall turning points in your own life when something new happened and with hindsight you can say the time was ripe for it to happen, ‘the time was fulfilled’. ‘Repent and believe the good news’. Jesus was not preaching a new doctrine, but calling for a change of heart, as a response to the good news of the gospel message. A new way of understanding God leads to a conversion in how we relate to God, a change of heart. A growth in awareness of who we are can lead us to a new level of self-confidence, another change of heart. Can you recall times when ‘good news’ led you to a change of heart? The Spirit of God who was at work in Jesus calling the disciples continues to work in our day and in our lives. That is why the gospel message is one of GOOD NEWS. When has your understanding of the gospel message led you to a different style of life? Who was the ‘Jesus person’ through whom the call came to you? To whom have you been a ‘Jesus person’ in this way? This Sunday is called the SUNDAY OF THE WORD OF GOD’ in order to put emphasis on the role and importance of the word of God in our lives.
Money Matters
Offertory Collection ..……..€1,960
Thank you for your support