
Sunday 21 April 2024



Mass Intentions

Sat 20               19.30    Gene Gray MM, Drumdoo

                                                Michael & Philip McGuinness

                                    Paddy O’Toole & DFM

                                    James Mimnagh Gortfadda

                                            Des & Elizabeth Duignan & DFM

Sun 21  10.00                Tom & Winifred Turbitt &

                                    John James Turbitt Gortinure

Eslin 09.00                                                           

Tues 23 10.00               Bridget, Joe & Sean Wynne

Sat       27 19.30            Andrew Kevin Farrelly, MM

                                    Johnny Rowley, Shannagh

                                    William & Agnes McGuire

                                                            Eugene Creegan Shannagh Grove

Sun 28   10.00            Elsie Turbitt MM

                                                Finola Kelly, Clooncahir & DFM

                                                Madge & Joe Britton & DFM  Corngresh

Gorvagh 09.00      Peter Reynolds


We pray for Mary McGuire, formerly from Attymanus who died recently in Limerick


Mass Times April 27th & 28th 

Sat April 20th                           —   Mohill 7.30pm

Sun April 21st  –                                Gorvagh  9.00am

                                                             Mohill 10.00am

                                                             Foxfield 11.30am


Weekday Masses—Mon to Fri 10am

Rosay after weekday Mass

Confession—Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill

 First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.


Pastoral Council meeting Tues, April 30 at 7pm in the Parochial house Mohill


Eucharistic Adoration

takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm


Clothing Collection

St Manchan’s N.S are holding a Clothing Collection. Bags of clean clothes, shoes, handbags, curtains, towels and soft toys can be dropped into the school until  29th April.


The Leitrim Further Education and Training Centre 

 are hosting an Open Event on Tuesday, May 14th from 5pm to 7pm and Wednesday, May 15th from 10am to 1pm in the Market Yard, Carrick on Shannon. Come along to see our centre and our free, part-time courses. You will get to meet the tutors, see demonstrations and hear from students about their experience. An event not to be missed!


RHS Home Care

is a Non Commercial Home Care Provider bringing professional home care services to those who need assistance to remain living in their own homes. We are now recruiting new Healthcare Assistants in your area and would love to hear from you. Potential applicants must have the required QQI level 5 (two modules completed care skills and care of the older person). Please call Aoife 0906625988 or  email you CV to 



The Further Education and Training Centre, Hilly Road, Drumshanbo, Co. Leitrim N41 C6X6 is hosting an OPEN DAY on Thursday 25th April 2024 from 11am to 2pm.

Find out about our QQI Level 5 Adult Education Courses in Business Administration, Health Nutrition and Food Science, Tourism with Business and Traditional Irish Music. Refreshments provided on the day. Feel free to pop in for a friendly chat and a cuppa – it might just change your life!!

For more information, please check out our Facebook page, VTOSLeitrim, or call Sean Bailey on 086-0624200.


Seeing your life through the  Lens of the Gospels

Our relationship with those ‘in charge’ of us changes when we sense that not only are they in charge, but they care. Remember the difference this made for you as a child and give thanks for the caring adults who were part of your life. The good shepherd ‘lays down his life for the sheep’. When has your care for another led you to ‘lay down your life’ for that person, e.g., as a friend, parent, spouse, son or daughter? When have you known another to do this for you? Jesus speaks of the freedom of the Good Shepherd in laying down his life. Faced with the needs of others, we can at times feel trapped into looking after them, caught by duty, obligation, or guilt. We can become like the hired hands doing a job without care for the person. Perhaps you have experienced both attitudes, caring for others under duress and caring by your free choice. What difference did it make when you chose to care for the other, even in circumstances where you had little option? What do these experiences of love and care in human relationships reveal to you about God’s love for you?



Money Matters

Offertory Collection €1,675

 Thank you for your support.