Sunday 17th March 2024
Mass Intentions
Sat 16 19.30 Francis O’Neill, 1st anniv Gortletteragh
Pauric Cassells, (1st anniv)
Sun 17 10.00 Beirne Family, Townymore
Tommy Keville, Trean
Eslin 09.00
Fri 22 10.00 Matthew & Mary Crown & DFM
Sat 23 19.30 Rose Marie Flynn (Rosie) & DFM, Aughadrumderg
Fr Jim McNulty
James & Elizabeth McNulty
Sun 24 10.00 May Blake (1st anniv) Eslin
Eamonn & Maura Duignan
Rita Doyle, Treanmore
Gorvagh 09.00 Michael John Canning MM
—Sat evening 6.30pm in Mohill
First Sat—Mass at 10am & Confessions after Mass.
Weekday Masses during Lent
Mohill 7.30am & 10am
Mass Times March 23rd & 24th
Sat March 23rd — Mohill 7.30pm
Sun March 24th – Gorvagh 9.00am
Mohill 10.00am
Foxfield 11.30am
Eucharistic Adoration
takes place each Thursday after 10am Mass until 6pm. Benediction the first Thurs of the month at 6pm.
Tues March 19
Foxfield 7pm—Mohill 8pm
A second collection will be taken up after Holy Communion next weekend, Sat 23 & Sun 24 to support the Ardagh & Clonmacnois pilgrimage to Lourdes
Pope Francis
Dear brothers and sisters: In our catechesis on the virtues and the vices, we now consider the nature of virtue, which the Catechism defines as “a habitual and firm disposition to do the good”. Created in the image and likeness of God, we were made for goodness, yet in our fallen world the pursuit of virtue and detachment from vice require discipline and perseverance. Growth in virtue is in fact the noblest expression of our human freedom, but must necessarily be sustained by God’s prior gift of grace. For this reason, the Scriptures counsel us to pray for the Holy Spirit’s gift of wisdom, in order to know the Lord’s will and to let it shape our every decision as we strive to conform our lives ever more fully to his gracious and loving plan for our human family.
The Trócaire Lenten Appeal
this year aims to highlight the challenges faced by families in Malawi due to the effects of climate change in the southern African country. Please Support.
ACCORD needs volunteers
ACCORD Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG is currently recruiting volunteers to train as marriage preparation programme facilitators.
- If you have a positive attitude towards marriage in the Catholic Church
- If you have the enthusiasm to be part of the Accord team in supporting
couples who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage
Accord wants to hear from you!
Successful applicants will receive professional training and will be part of a team delivering marriage preparation programmes locally.
Contact Aisling on 01 505 3112 or by email to
Carrick Historical Society
Vice Chair and local historian Mary Butler will give a talk on the ancient fortification and fording place on the Shannon of THE DOON OF DRUMSNA on Wednesday, 20th March, 8 pm, at St George’s Heritage & Visitor Centre, Church Lane, Carrick. Admission is 5 euro and free to Society members. Further info: 0860675283.
The Catholic Bishops of Ireland,
echo Pope Francis’ heartfelt appeal for a complete ceasefire in Gaza – ‘Enough, please! Let us all say it: enough…Stop!’
Stop the War! In saying this, we join with many in our parishes, together with all people of goodwill, in demanding an immediate end to the daily horror of killing, wounding and destruction of property and infrastructure there.
We implore Almighty God and Jesus, who is the Light of the world, to shine a light into the terrible darkness that envelops the region that we call the Holy Land. In the face of despair, we renew our prayers for a just and lasting peace that respects justice and the dignity of all peoples.
You don’t have to be addicted to suffer from addiction!
M-PACT supports the whole family , helping to improve relationships, communication and recovery .
A FREE eight-week programme will begin on Tuesday 9th April 2024
If interested or would like further information
Please contact 071 9150578 / 0858759319 or email
Money Matters
Offertory Collection €1,308
Thank you for your support.